Cassius Stanley

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Lately me and Cassius s been having problem.
He got mad at you last night because you didn't want to go over his house because you had to study and he thought you was making up an excuse to not see him which is not true. You tried to tell him but he just don't want to listen to you.

Right now you are in your car thinking about your relationship with Cass. Yeah you love him but with him always having games and sometimes you can't make it he gets mad and don't talk to you.

Cass baby❤️: can you meet me somewhere please
                                      Me💔:where at Cass
Cass Baby❤️:The library. I'm in the front
                                               Me💔:okay otw

I start my car and drive to the library. I don't live that far from it so it wasn't that long of a drive. When I pull up I see him leaning on his car hold with his head down. I get out and stand in front of him.

"Hey" I say taping his arm
"So what's up"
"I'm not gonna keep lieing to you y/n okay I really tried but I just can't anymore"
"You can't what"
"I can't be with you anymore"
"What?? What are you talking about"
"I'm talking about how we never spend time together anymore. How you choose your friends over your boyfriend y/n"
"That'd Because every time I want to hang out with you and spend time with you, you was in a bad mood or just didn't want to do anything with me"
"I be in a bad mood because my girlfriend be out here going to party with theses short ass outfits and shit"
"Who said I went to a party cuz the last 2 weeks I've been studying Cass"
"So you say"
"Are you serious right now"
"Yeah I just can't do this anymore y/n"
I look the other way so the I won't cry in front of him.
"Okay.....have a nice life" I said starting to walk off before he said something else
"Maybe we can be friends?" he really had the nerve
"Friends....Friends....I can't be friends with someone I loved" I said and got into my car and speed off. He really just broke up with me.

I get back home and go straight to my room. I can't do anything but cry. I really loved that boy but I guess his love for me was not as much as I had for him.

4 months later
Haven't talk or seen him in 4 Months. He been trying to call me to check on me but sometimes I just don't answer the phone. Every since people heard that we broke up boys had been all over me and right now I just don't like it.

Right now I am getting ready for school. After I get out the shower I go to my closet and put on my lotion and deodorant and bra and panties on. I pick out these cute shorts and black crop top with my jacket around my waist and my Jordans on. I get my phone and charger along with my book bag and make my way downstairs to get my keys and head to my car.

As I get out my car my friends came to me. Every since the break up my friends have been there for me the most. We was talking at my car until car pulled up beside me and I realized it was Cass so I told the girl to start walking. As we was walking I get pulled over to the side. I look and it was Cass.....great.

"What do you want Cassius?" I said rolling my eyes
"What's up with you. You don't know how to answer your phone"
"Maybe because I don't want to talk to you Cassius"
"Why tho"
"Are you really playing the dumb game right now?"
"Y/N I said I wanted to be friends"
"Okay and I said I didn't I wanted to be with you. So we both don't get what we want"
"Ayo what's up with you"
"Nothing up with me"
"How you do on the test"
"Pass with a 95%"
"All that studying paid off huh"
"Only thing I been doing if I'm not with the girls" as you was talking to Cassius a group of boys came up behind you
"Yo Cass boy you real stupid for letting this one go. You must haven't seen her ass" one of them said looking down at your ass.
"Oh trust me I have seen that and I know I'm stupid for letting her go" he said looking at you and the boys left.
"What are you talking about. You was the one that broke up with me. You was the one that said the words not me"
"I know y/n and that was the stupidest thing I could have done. Do you know when I told my parents that I broke up with you my mom didn't talk to me for at least 2 weeks and my dad was just shaking his head at me"
"Welp" I said starting to walk off because the bell ringed but then Cassius strong ass picked me up and carried me back to our cars.
"Cassius what are you doing we have to go to class"
"I'm not gonna let you walk off. Not when we not done with this conversation"
"What else is there to talk about? You asked me how I was doing, you was talking bout my ass, and how your parents was not happy with you so now what?" He didn't say anything he just looked me and kissed me. I was shocked at first and then I kissed back. I never wanted him to leave me but I couldn't keep him in a relationship he didn't want to be in. I pulled away and looked at him for a sec and looked the other way.

"Y/N Look I miss you okay we was going though a rough time and I'm sorry Okay. I am still in love with you. I swear ever since we broke up you have gotten sexier then ever" he said biting his lip while looking at my ass again. I'm not gonna lie this boy gotten fine as hell.
"Mmhhmm" I said looking at him.
"Y/n" he wined
"What was that"
"Well what you want me to say?? Cuz I don't know what to say"
"Do you even still want me tho"
"I always wanted you. Never stoped" I said looking away.
"Then let's get back together"
"I don't know Cassius. What if we get into it again then what you gonna break up with me again?"
"No cuz this time there's no breaking up. I can't stand all these girls on me and all them dudes on you y/n" I put my head down
"Y/N  Please" I decide that I was gonna fuck with him a little bit.
"So you think that just because you came and talked to me that I was just gonna come back to you?"
"Y/N you just said that you never wanted us to break up"
"And I didn't"
"Why you acting like this for?"
"Because you don't know how long I was crying that night Cassius. You don't know not a damn thing that happen to me while you was out parting with your friends"
"Y/N what the hell."
"Once I get over the fact that you want another girl who have a bigger butt and flatter stomach and more boobs you want to come back to me are you serious"
"Y/N I haven't seen anyone else after you it was just basketball"
"I know I was just fucking with you" I said laughing
"I missed you" he said coming closer to me and putting his arm around my waist.
"I know you have"
"Oh wow word" he said moving but I pulled him back laughing
"I'm just playing I missed you too" I said putting my arms on his neck. He lean in and kissed me and I kissed back.
"Welp look like we not going to class" I said laughing
"Yeah let's just go and get something to eat and then the mall so you can change them short as shorts"
"Hey these was cute and when I had put them on I was single"
"Well you taken now so can't be having that in public"
I just laughed and go into my car.
I got my baby back❤️☺️

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