Chapter 18

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"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked me once we finished with clara. All I could think about was what Clara had said.

"Cole" It was Simon. He followed us outside. "I want to come with you."

"Are you insane?!" Charlotte said when she noticed I was barely able to speak. "Why would you want that?"  She hissed. Simon had really hurt her, he disappointed her and her family.

"You of all people know we have plenty of dead relatives. And if what Clara said is correct, I have to come and help you guys." He explained.

"Listen to me you little piece of shit, if you're playing some game here or if you even think on backstabbing us, Your name will be next on my hit list." I snapped. I didn't have time for his mind games.

"Damn! Take it easy man." Simon said. "I'm only trying to help."


I've watched all those zombie movies, I've read about the apocalypse. But what I've witnessed in this town is way worse. Everyone has gone crazy, the already living ones and the resurrected ones. Attempts of killing the resurrected ones have resulted in only failure. I guess what Clara had said was true. And now it was time to search for my family.

"Holy hell!" Simon said wide-eyed. "Evelyn really screwed things up."

Both Charlotte and I ignored him.

"Are you sure you're up for it Cole?" Charlotte said with a gentle tone in her voice. 

I gazed at her and suddenly tears slid down my cheek. Tears I've been holding back for a long time. She put her arms around me, "Don't worry... I'm here. Always will be." Those words only stung more, made me cry even more.

"Oh come on Cole." Simon mocked. "Grow a pair." That was it. I couldn't control myself. I threw myself at him knocking him down on the ground, and giving him a series of punches on his face. Surprisingly Charlotte hadn't said a word. She stood there watching me beat Simon. Once I got all my rage out, I stopped and looked down at him "Keep your mouth shut from now on."


We spent hours searching for my parents. And apparently Simon was right, Charlotte and him do have a lot of dead relatives. We were like the ghostbusters, except it wasn't that easy and fun. Those people were vicious. Seeing the chaos made me question how will we ever fix this. I asked Charlotte and Simon that. Charlotte shrugged, "I thought when Evelyn dies this would be all over." Simon said, and he has a point. So why isn't it over? Killing my family won't end this, there will be plenty of resurrected spirits destroying the town. Something must be done.

"Charlotte" I stand still, "This can't be right. Killing my family won't solve anything."

"What should we do then?" She asked.

"I think Clara lied." I explain. "This can't be the solution."

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