Chapter 3: Clara

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What a pleasure it had been killing that bitch Jane and Her daughter, my actions have been rewarded by my mother, who I recently voluntarily joined knowing that our goals are more alike than I thought. She wanted John and Cole gone as much as I do. I remember the way she looked at me when she found out, "I've never been so proud of you." with those simple words I knew that my mother truly loves me, that everything she's doing is for my sake. I've made a mistake leaving her, and made a graver mistake helping John.

"Hello mother." I say as I make my way in her apartment. It was more of a small studio. No one would think about looking for her here.

She turns around to look at me. Unlike Elen, she perfected the immortality spell. Elen always had it all wrong, her body aging and only her soul staying the same. But my mom looks 25 years old, and she will always look like that. I have become older than her physically, she told me once I succeed in my mission she'll grant me the immortality spell. "Hello, my darling!" I've always noticed despite that spell, I could always see lines on her face indicating her true age. Maybe I'm just seeing things. She is a beautiful women, her skin a shade or 2 darker than mine, tall, skinny with black hair that showed a bit of gray.

"Where is the boy?" I ask her in disgust, the thought of him brings bile to my throat. His name was Simon I believe, he joined Elen after she changed the curse forbidding love, and when she died, my mother took him in. But I can't seem to get along with him. I don't trust him.

"He went to get me some stuff for my magic." My mother says with exasperation. I bet she doesn't like him too, but she finds him useful.

"What spell are you preparing?" I ask.

"I'm trying to locate John. That betraying little bastard." She scowls as if he was in front of her. Just the thought of him makes her angry.

A locating spell doesn't take much time, and doesn't need that much magical stuff. "All those magical objects are for a locating spell?" I ask.

"I didn't say I was only preparing a locating spell darling, But what I do doesn't concern you." She never tells me what she's preparing on the side. And when I ask she always says the same thing 'what concerns me should not concern you my dear, focus on your mission.' I believe she doesn't trust me yet.

"Mom, you have to tell me what are you planning." I sound like a baby saying that.

"No I don't. This isn't your business. Can you please focus on killing the rest of the Andersons now?" I nod dropping the argument, I cannot win with her, she is who she is. One day she might need me and she might tell me everything, that day isn't today.

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