Chapter 11

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"Do you really think Evelyn wants to revive spirits just to do a good deed?" Simon asked as we were getting all the stuff Evelyn ordered for us to get. I didn't like the fact that I'm working for her. But at least I'll get to see my family again. My entire family, reunited. I hope Evelyn really intends on reviving the spirits.

"I hope so Simon. I seriously hope so." I say.

After collecting what Evelyn requested. We hurried back to the appartment. As we entered, we heard Clara and her mom screaming at each other from the kitchen.

"How on earth are you gonna do that! You cannot control thousands of resurrected spirits!" Clara screams.

"Are you doubting my power young lady?" Evelyn says with her mom tone.

"Yes I am." Clara responds. "I'm doubting a lot of things about you these days! One day you wanted to rule the spirit world and now you want to demolish it! Who are you?!"

"The King's spirit changed me Clara. As soon as it entered my soul, it showed me my flaws." Evelyn said, "It changed me Clara."

"I know it did mother." Clara snaps. "I'm not sure it's for the best though."

We approached the kitchen slowly. "Umm, We brought what you asked for Evel... I mean Queen." Simon hesitated.

"About time." She said, "I really hope you stay by my side Clara."

Clara stayed quiet. Her doubts are well placed. She knows her mother better than me and Simon. And Evelyn has always had something dark planned. I don't care either way. As long as I get to see my family again.

"It's time boys. Time for the spirits to join our world again." Evelyn rejoiced. The four of us stood around a round table with all the stuff Evelyn asked, a bag of human blood (from a hospital of course), A strand of hair from a female or a male, animal bone (because human bones is harder to get). Evelyn took Clara and Simon's hands and they too mine. And she started chanting, "Spirits of the other world, It is I your Queen. By the power that has been passed to me, I resurrect you." She repeated many times raising her voice. The room started shaking, the stuff on the table flew in the air. With Evelyn's chanting in the background, the objects started mixing together. Creating something beautiful yet disturbing to the eyes. The solution started growing in size, growing and growing until it reached Its maximum and blew up. The room stopped shaking. Silence flooded the room. We heard screams from outised that broke that silence. We headed towards the windows amd saw human bodies rising from the ground, and people screaming at the sight of them. It's done. They are being resurrected. My family will return to me.

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