Chapter 6

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I was expecting to go to my dad's apartment, but we ended up going someplace else, he told me it was so we avoid being caught by Clara or her mom. When we first got there, he started touching every wall around the apartment and mumbling words under his breath I couldn't make out. He repeated the same process around the house not leaving any corner. I didn't want to ask him, because honestly I didn't care.

Now we spend our days either doing magic or minding our own business, we didn't have much to talk about. And I don't want to talk about my mom and my sister with him. I'm only doing this with him because he can satisfy my vengeance.


"You do realize this will not end with Clara and Evelyn dead." He says while we're practicing.

"It will end for me." I snap. My fight is with that bitch. Once she's dead, I'm leaving this godforsaken town and starting over.

"That's where you're wrong." My dad says matter-of-facly. "Evelyn is not only after us..."

"I don't care!" I raise my voice. "I don't care."

"Well you have to!" He shouts. Mom's and Alex's deaths really did change him, "stop being such a brat and deal with it! This is bigger than you and your own satisfaction, the spirit world is in danger." Danger. What does he mean?

"What kind of danger?" I say calmly, struck by his yelling.

"Evelyn has been planning something for a long time now." He starts, "I've had my doubts about it when I first joined her. I started spying on her, gathering as much information as I could get. One day, I followed her to a dark alley at night, she was alone at first but than someone joined her, from what I could see he looked out of this world. He had a human shaped body, but his face was empty. No eyes, no nose and no mouth were shown on it. His skin was as dark as night. He was wearing a victorian suit. I knew immediately that it was a spirit. But I've never seen one materialized like that. 'The holy king awaits you' He said with an inhuman voice. The spirit took her hand, and they disappeared. I went back frightened. I went over the books Evelyn gave me about spirits and magic. And they only mentioned the holy king briefly, that he was the most powerful spirit warlock, he had once made a spell that was powerful enough to control every spirit and make them follow him. But there was a consequence for that power, he didn't belong in the living world anymore. He died and went on to become the holy king (as the spirits call him) and he has controled and ruled the spirit world ever since."

"I don't get it, where's the danger in all of this?" I ask.

"Evelyn is the kind of woman that craves power. I think she wants to take the king's place." He says.

"Oh my god, She'll become the most powerful witch ever!" I say wide-eyed.

"No, you don't get it! Nobody can take his place. Many have tried before and failed. But Evelyn is not like the others. She must be planning something that can change our world."

"Whatever it is" I say, "we need to stop her and her daughter."

Deadly Revenge - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now