Chapter 12

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dedicated to @beautifulgames1

All my life I thought that Death is the end of everything. Once you die, everything is over. Now I know better. I died for Charlotte and was resurrected. My family died for me, and now they are somewhere in this town alive. ALIVE. Finally, for once I'll get my happy ending.

"Where are they?" I ask Evelyn about my parents.

"They are alive Cole. It's up to you to find them. I did what I wanted to do." She answers.

"Thank you Evelyn." This was the last thing I wanted to say to her, but she did a lot for me and she deserves it.

"What about me My Queen?" Simon asks.

"You are free to either stay by my side or leave." She said. This new Evelyn is both terrifying and amazing.

Clara is nowhere to be found. After the fight with her mother, she left. But I don't care anyway. What I want now is to find my family.

"I'm leaving, Goodbye Evelyn. I hope I'll never see you again. Ever." I close the door behind me and go searching for my family.


The town is so crowded now. All the dead are alive now. I heard the screams of shock and horror, the screams of joy. Chaos has descended on this town. All those resurrected spirits are now lost and searching for their families, houses, belongings.

After hours of searching around town, wandering about looking for a familiar face, my mother's or father's or Alex's. I found no one. There was one last place for me to search. There's a big probability that I'll find them there.

I open the door to my house. The house where I had my best memories, And my worst. I enter the living room and find my family sitting on the sofa with blank faces. They look at me in unison. For a moment I feared they won't recognize me. But Alex jumped from the sofa and shouted my name with joy. She ran to me and I hugged her hard. Her touch brought me peace. I missed her so much! I glance af my mother and notice her eyes started watering. My father was just looking at me. Almost afraid. I run to them and hug them. I check for wounds on every single one of them, The way they died must have left unhealable wounds. But I found nothing.

"You're here!" I say finally. "You're all here."

"We will always be here honey." Mom replied. "Always."

"I love you so much!" I say. One thing I learned from everything that has happened is that life is really short. You never know when your loved ones might leave you. So I intend on reminding them that I love them whenever I can.

"We love you too!" Alex said. My mom smiled at her and stared at me with a big grin and hugged me again.

I glance at my father again and notice his expression hasn't changed. He is afraid. I don't know from what. But when Dad is scared. It means things will get worse, which means Evelyn probably has something evil up her sleeve. But I say nothing. I don't want to ruin this moment. This beautiful family reunion moment.

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