Chapter 8

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"Don't say a word, okay?" Dad said. We were standing where dad had told Clara we would be. I didn't know what he was planning though. He never told me why, after a long hiding time, we're now exposing ourselves to them. There's something weird about it. I don't say anything though. I just want death for both Clara and her bitch of a mother.

"Well, well, well." A feminine voice breaks the silence. "If it isn't John the loving father and his clueless son Cole." Clara glares at me with eyes flaming with anger and fury. I stare back at her, not with anger but with emptiness.

"Evelyn, Clara." Dad nods at them with utter respect. He looks like a guy from the old days, the victorian days. The way he speaks and acts around people. Even those two bitches. "I'm glad you're here." He continues.

"Spare me all that bullshit." Clara snaps.

"Have some respect young lady!" Evelyn growls at her daughter. Even evil witches act like normal families. Clara was surprised with Evelyn's response.

"So John, we're here now." Evelyn turns her attention to my dad. Her eyes studying him. "Are you ready to join us?"

"Join you?" Dad snaps, "join two crazy witches on a neverending power seeking journey? I think I'll pass."

"Oh John, if only you know what is yet to come!" She says with an evil grin. Both Clara and I look at her with confusion. But dad just froze. "What are you saying?" He finally says, "what do you mean?"

Instead of answering Evelyn started muttering words that sounded familiar yet incomprehensible to me.

"Did you really think we came here unprotected Evelyn?" Dad said. It seemed that all those hours spent on casting spells of protection and whatever came in handy.

"Ah... I taught you well." Evelyn almost sounded proud. Without even hesitating Evelyn pulled out her knife from her pocket and came running towards my dad. Clara and I just stood there watching. We didn't even turn to look at each other.

Both Evelyn and dad were fighting, Evelyn swinging her knife at dad and him dodging it at the right time. It looked like a fight scene from a movie. Evelyn was surprisingly fast and strong for a woman who looked 80 or so years old. Clara was still frozen when I decided to intervene. I run closer to Evelyn and try to distract her from dad. I punch her in the face, she didn't even flinch. She looked at me with amused eyes, and pushed me with one hand, I flew in the air and landed inches behind Clara.

I heard my father scream. A scream that I never thought would come out of his mouth. I take a look at him and find Evelyn's knife stuck deep down my father's stomach. Blood was staining his shirt. I lost my voice and I couldn't even say his name.

"Oh John, poor man." Evelyn says.

"Why Evelyn?" Dad says while coughing.

"You really don't know, do you?" Evelyn was genuinely surprised. She started screaming, "Animum rege ortum!"

"No!" Dad yelled.

"Oh yes! I will rise the spirit king, and I will make him my slave. I will control every spirit in the spirit world!"

"He cannot be controlled Evelyn!" dad coughed. "You're destroying both spirit and human world!"

"I don't care! I can have power over the spirits. I just need to kill you so the king will rise." She sticks the knife deeper in his stomach, and says the words again.

The earth started shaking, almost tripping Clara. Evelyn stood still, as still as a statue. A ball of light appeared from a distance, it came closer to Evelyn. Once it was just inches away from her chest, Evelyn said "I allow you to possess my body." The ball of light went through Evelyn's chest. She gasped as if she wasn't able to breath anymore. Her white hair regained their original color, ginger-blond. Her skin gained their natural color again. She was getting younger right before our eyes.

I turn my attention to my father. He is still on the ground. Not one breath. Blood circling him. He is dead. Like my mother and my sister. All my family is dead now. And it hit me. I am all alone now. I have no one. They're all gone, because of Evelyn. Or whoever she is now.

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