Chapter 15

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I have to do this. I don't have any other choice. My dad is wholed up in his tiny room, not wanting to relish in his new second life. My mom and sister are going crazy, and apparently they aren't the only ones. The whole town is in utter chaos. the people that were brought back to life have gone rogue, the town's residents are freaking out and killing every single resurrected person. Everything was out of control. Now I know Evelyn never had any good intentions. But I have to do this. I have to go talk to her. I have to stop this disaster.

"Charlotte?" I was surprised when I saw Charlotte running down the street towards me calling my name. "Are you okay?" I dumbly ask.

"It's kevin." She sighs. "Kevin is back to life and he's going crazy!"

"I know Charlotte. They are all back." I explain, "All the spirits, the dead have been resurrected, All because of that bitch Evelyn!"

"Ahh! I thought I was done with all this shit!" She shouts. "Why did she do this?"

"I don't know. At first I thought she really changed, wanting to bring back all the dead to do some good. But as you can see I was wrong." I say.

"We have to find her Cole. She must be stopped once and for all." She replied.

"I'm going now to see her." I hesitate for a minute, "Are you sure you want to come with me?" I ask.

"Yes, I did all this to you. I should be the one to help you get out of it." I did agree. As much as I love her, and I'll always love her. But she did change my entire life with this whole curse thing of hers.

Charlotte gasps when something approached us. No someone. It was Kevin. He ran toward us at an abnormal speed. I grasped her hand and pulled her behind me.

"Kevin." I yell, "This isn't you!"

"Get out of the way Anderson. I don't want to hurt you." He says.

"Why are you doing this?" Charlotte begged.

"You killed me Charlotte. You did this to me." He said in a raged tone.

"You know that's not true Kevin. Evelyn did this!" I say.

"Evelyn is my queen. She is the one who saved us!" He snaps, "Charlotte will die Cole. And if you stand in my way, so will you." As soon as he finished his sentence he pounced on us. I push Charlotte aside and let Kevin's body hit only me. We roll on the ground. Kevin blowing punches at me with such power, and me trying to avoid them. His fists left marks on my face, blood ran down my nose from his blows. He was unhumanly powerful. I hear charlotte's screams in the background, "Kevin! Stop!" I remembered something my father taught me. A spell. "Stagno!" I yell the word in Latin. Kevin froze. His hard body over mine, I push him aside and stand on my feet. His immobile body was on the ground, one hand ready to throw a punch.

"Charlotte I'm sorry but I have to kill him. If I don't the spell will wear off and he'll go after you again." Charlotte nodded as a sign of agreement. I take my pocket knife out. I brought it because I thought it might come in handy, and indeed it did. I kneel next to Kevin And as I was about to stick the knife in his chest, Charlotte pleeds "Stop!" I turn to her, and she continues, "I must do it. This is all my fault." She took my pocket knife and pulled it down Kevin's chest, right on his heart.

Charlotte stood still. She looked down her cousin with teary eyes.

"Ready to go?" I say not knowing what else to do.

"Let's kill that bitch!" Charlotte snapped.

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