Chapter 7: Clara

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The locating spell was draining my energy. My eyes were barely able to stay open. But I have to keep going. Even though my mom said we have to go look for him, I wanted to try it one more time. It's not the best idea to wander around town and look for a needle in a haystack. Simon was standing next to the door, waiting for Evelyn's orders. My mom was still working on her shady other mission and she is still not telling me anything. Maybe Simon... Hell no, I push the thought away. she wouldn't tell Simon and not me. I'm her daughter.

As I work on my spell, something weird happens. Usually as I try to locate John, I face a block and go back to where I started. But this time, I see him. I see his shape in the back of my eyelids. He was standing in the middle of a road, with his son beside him. They were both looking straight into my eyes, but this isn't possible, they shouldn't be able to see me. Cole and John started moving, inching closer to me. I stay still. When they are only inches away from me, I hear John's voice, "Hello Clara." This isn't possible. It shouldn't be like this. I have done countless locating spells and never had this happened. I stay silent unable to speak, my shock taking away the sound of my voice. "I presume you are in shock right now. So I will say what I'm here to say." He continues "Trying to locate me will get you nowhere. So to save you the trouble I am willing to meet with you, and to discuss our lovely relationship." I don't say a word. He puts his hand on my head and starts uttering words really fast I couldn't follow. After repeating what he did several times, I felt a hard headache, as if I was hit by a brick. My vision went blurry and saw the shapes of John and his son disappearing. I open my eyes, the headache still strong. I exhale a long breath I hadn't known I was holding. Simon noticed it and eyed me with concered eyes. He came closer and said, "Are you okay?"

"I know where they are." I say, the words coming out in a sigh.


"You found him?" Evelyn said, "you found him..." Those were the only words she was able to utter. I never knew that finding John would be this important to her. There are lots of things i don't know about my mother i suppose.

"I didn't exactly find him mom. It was like he deliberately gave me his location. He wanted me to find him." I explain.

"He's planning something." She says, "We must be careful."

When us witches use the word careful, it is not a metaphor. There are certain spells we use to make us invincible or unaffected by some spells. And this is what my mom meant by 'Careful'. I give her a detailed description of what I've been through while I was with John during the locating spell, and I give her the address. Before we embark on our murder mission, we shower ourselves with tons of spells, protection, strength, immunity which makes us immune to some spells and curses. After the entire casting process, the three of us rush to meet John.

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