Chapter 14

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  It's been 1 month since I got my family back. And for the first time ever, everything is normal, As normal as it can get for a boy who lost his family because of witches and got them back from the dead. I mean things are going great. My mother and I caught up on the things she missed when she died, I spent some time with Alex. But my dad is refusing to join this quality time. He's locked up in his room, all day long, refusing to come out and spend some time with us. Typical John. Even after everything he still hasn't changed and will never change. He will always be the guy who left his family. 

"Let's go out today!" My mother requested. 

"Mom you know the whole town is in chaos, all those resurrected spirits." I say.

"I don't care!" She yelled, "I was given a second chance in life and I want to use it. Let's go out!" She requested yet again. 

"Yeyy! Let's go to the park where we always used to go!" Alex was excited as well.

"Alright fine." I give up, "Let's go to the park." Ironic how I'm being the parent here. 


 "Mom... What was it like for you on the other side?" We were sitting in the park watching Alex play with the other kids. Her face went white, her mind was lost in the memory I guess. "Mom, are you okay?" I ask. 

"Can we please not talk about this?" She snaps. 

"I was just asking..." I say. 

"Well Don't ever ask again!" She shouted. This is unlike her. She was always the calm, rational woman. Now she gets mad so easily. But I can't blame her. What she's been through can change even the strongest person on earth. 

We sat in silence the whole time. I didn't want this moment to be ruined by my questions. But the silence didn't last long, as Alex's scream filled the park. My mother and I went to see what was the problem. What I saw was beyond unbelievable. Alex was punching a boy hard in the face, making him bleed everywhere, all the other kids were crying. I ran towards Alex pulling her away from that poor kid."Alex! What's wrong with you!?" I yell. 

"He took my jump rope!" She said as if she was a victim. 

"Since when do you hit kids?! This is unlike you!" I yell at her. Her stare burned through my soul. I didn't see my sister in those eyes. I saw a stranger. 

"You don't know shit okay!" She screamed. My 10 year-old sister said that.

"Mom! Say something!" I say expecting my mother to go all 'parent-y' on her, except she said, "What? She's right." 

"Are you kidding me! Did you see what happened?" I raise my voice, "She hit a little boy, made him bleed!" I pause for a moment. "What's wrong with you two?" I say. 

"Let's just go home. This isn't very fun anymore." Mom said. FUN! This isn't right. What's wrong with them? 

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