Chapter 5: Clara

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It was hard planning the murder of the man I loved, the man I still love. But it is love that drove me to this day. I didn't know I was capable of murdering innocent people until love proved me wrong. Love will change you, but it is not always to the better. As I try to locate John, since Evelyn was busy doing god knows what, I agreed to take responsibility of finding John. Simon appears in front of me, "Hello, Clara." I can sense the annoyance in his voice when he says my name.

"What do you want kid?" I snap.

"I'm just curious as to why you're using a locating spell, we can just go look for them like normal people." Sometimes his stupidity really annoys me.

"Yea sure! Let's go look for him all over town, Let's go straight to his trap! And we die and everything we've been working on goes to waste!" I say clearly showing my resentment to his question.

He rolls his eyes and stays quiet for a while, "Why can't we just curse him?" He says eventually.

"It's impossible to curse someone if you don't know their exact location, When Elen cursed the Orsons, she knew exactly where Charlie was at the time. The cursing spirits only curse and do not locate. Which is why you must give them a location to complete the curse." Simon looks lost, as if what I just said requires brilliance to understand. But I say nothing more and let his tiny brains analyze every word I just said.

"Why do you wanna kill John and Cole?" He asks, "I mean Cole is not the brightest guy and he doesn't really pose a threat, and John..." I couldn't bare listening to him anymore.

I interrupt him and say, "You ask a lot of questions you know that? Your job is to help us. So stick to it."

At that he nods and awaits further instructions.

The locating spell wasn't working, when I almost get near his location something keeps blocking my view. It's as if one second my vision was crystal clear and suddenly my vision gets blurred and I go back to where I started. I must tell my mom about it, she should know what to do.


  "He's smarter than I thought he would be." My mom said as soon as I told her what was happening with me.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"John has left his old apartment, left all his belongings, and moved somewhere else. And he has put wards blocking our magic." She says mainly to herself, her tone was like how a mother speaks proudly of her son. She was proud of him in a way she was never proud with me. Another thing John has took from me.

"Isn't there something we can do?" I say interrupting her thoughts of John.

"We can't do anything, You'll have to go look for him yourself. Take the snob with you." She always refers to Simon as snob, and I think it fits him. And now he will be more annoying seeing that his plan was smart. I nod, I didn't want to fight with my mother. Once she says her final word, you can't argue.

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