Chapter 4

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"What do you mean you know who killed them?" My father immediately broke the news to me, without even greeting me. He stood on my threshold almost breathless, as if he camd running from his house. I didn't want to open the door but his persistence annoyed me. I'm glad I did decide to listen to him.

"It's Clara! She did it!" He says. I sense pride in his voice, as if he were proud of what he had discovered, but he also sounded angry. It must be the first time I ever notice any emotion in his tone. Even though he left my mom and never knew my sister, their death affected him in a way that I never thought it would.

"How do you know that!" It was more of a yell than a question. I didn't want any false suspects, I wanted to know for sure.

"Listen I'm 100% sure it's her. She is the one who did it." He pauses for a moment and than says, "She did it to hurt me."

"To hurt you? Why?" I say, "I thought she was on our side."

"I thought she was too." He whispers making hard for me to understand what he's saying. "But then she said that I have hurt her because I couldn't love her."

This can't be happening! From what I saw in movies and what I read in books, love was supposed to make you happy, it was supposed to make you see the world differently. A good different. "What is it with you witches and Love!" I now scream at him and jerk up from the couch I was sitting at listening to him. "First Elen and that stupid curse on the Orsons. Now Clara And her hatred for you! Which led to the death of my family! MY family!" It's like I couldn't stop the words from pouring out of my mouth. I glance at my father and notice the pain in his eyes, I know it wasn't my shouting that hurt him, I always shout. Since the 'accident' he let his guards down. I guess her plan worked, she did hurt him. But she hurt me as well and I will not tolerate it.

"I'm so sorry Cole." His dark eyes catch mine.

"We have to kill her." I say as steady as I can be. It seems these days, killing has become a habit to me. "We have to get our revenge. I will not let her get away with this."

"I totally agree with you." His words caught me off guard. I expected him to fight me off on this. Or maybe I just don't know him that well. Maybe an ideal father would've said no, but not him. "But before we do that. You need to learn more about our magic. Clara is powerful, and she must have crawled back to her mommy for more protection. So we must be prepared."

This time I was eager to learn magic. Magic killed my family, but only magic can get me vengeance. "I agree." is what I say.

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