Chapter 20

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Author's note: Thank you all for reading my story... This is the last chapter in this saga. I hope you enjoyed it.

Sometimes I wish I was still dead, I wish that holy king hadn't resurrected me. Why was I chosen for this. I'm just an 18 year old boy who had one last year in high school and was ready to leave this town for good, I had a beautiful girlfriend, I was normal. And now everything is a mess. Spirit magic, witches, Evelyn. Everything. I hope this'll end soon so I can get back to my somewhat normal life. You know except the whole crazy family situation.

"It's time." Charlotte kept repeating over and over again. Simon and I tied her to a chair and waited for some brilliant plan to pop in our heads.

"You are a damn witch do something!" Simon snorted. I give him a scorching look. I've had enough with his useless remarks and his annoying presence.

"I don't see you coming up with a plan, dickhead." I snap back.

"Are you okay Cole?" Simon went from snarky to serious in a matter of seconds. "I don't like you and I'll never will, but you don't seem okay these days."

"Gee, I don't know why... My days are all sunshine and rainbows and unicorns." I snap at him. "Now quit your blabbering and let's figure this out."

Simon didn't push it, he only nodded and now focused on charlotte.

"God can't she shut the hell up?!" I say annoyed. Simon clearly annoyed as well, he brought a ducktape from a drawer in the kitchen and ripped a piece and put it on charlotte's mouth. The silence that filled the room now made it easier for me to gather my thoughts and think of a solution.

"So basically we have the holy king's spirit possessing Charlotte, who wants to infest the spirit world with demons." Simon started. His blabbering only made me angrier but I decided not to say anything. "Hey you are a witch..."

"It's warlock you ass." I say.

"Fine, warlock. My point is, maybe you can exorcise the holy king out of Charlotte." That was actually a great idea. But I didn't know how or what spell to use. I didn't know anything. If only I can ask my father for help. But I know, even though he lockef himself in his room that he has gone crazy like the others.

"I'll try, but I don't know any spells. My dad only taught me enough for me to survive. Not to exorcise a freaking king from my ex." I explain.


  My attempts have resulted in failures. My limited knowledge in magic and spells wasn't going to help us. There was only one way we could fix this... No! A voice in my head screamed at me. My voice. Maybe it's the sane part of me that is still fighting for dominance over my body. I listen to that voice and ignore my evil thoughts.

"What now?" Simon wondered.

Before I could even reply Charlotte ripped off the ropes that tied her to the chair with inhuman force and jumped at Simon with incredible speed. I stood there frozen watching, part of me didn't want to help him. She was hitting him like a maniac, finally she dug her hands inside his chest and pulled his heart out. She turned her attention to me, her eyes scanning me. I started backing away slowly, as if Charlotte was a furious dog. As if she could smell fear. I kept backing away, reaching for the appartment door. Since she was first possessed she hasn't said a word. Until now.

"We need you Cole. We need your help to enhance the spirit world."

I tried casting some spells my dad taught me, defensive spells, offensive ones. She still stood there uneffected. "We need your help" she kept repeating while getting closer.

"Why?" I asked. Why can't the holy king do all this by his own?

"We resurrected you because it wasn't your time to die, today is the day." She said.

Holy shit! I say in my head. I just realised now that it's either me or her. I have to kill her. I don't know if it'll solve anything. But it seems to work these days. I grab the knife with which I killed Evelyn, and I charge at Charlotte. It's weird how comfortable I feel with a weapon in my hand. How comfortable I feel when I end a life. I guess warlocks and witches get used to this.

I started swinging the knife at Charlotte and her dodging it quickly.

"You can't kill us" she said.

"I'll die trying!" I yell back and swing the knife again. This time charlotte catches my hand and throws me towards the wall with ease. As I hit the wall the knife flies away from my hand several meters away from me. I lay down on the ground, pain filling my entire body. Charlotte comes closer. "Do not fight your destiny. You have to die in order for the demons to rise." She pauses, "you are the chosen one." She said finally.

"Why me?!" I shout.

"Your ancestors tried communicating with demons using spirit magic... You have a connection with them. And with your dad's blood being ruined because of Evelyn's ego, only you have the pure blood to summon them." My dad never told me that. He never told me we had a connection with demons. But it wasn't the time to overthink this. With the little energy that was left in my body, I crawl to the knife quickly before charlotte could stop me. I grab the knife and quickly stab her first in the foot. She screams with a pitchy high voice. I stab her in the other foot. Making her weak enough to kneel on the ground, so her chest becomes reachable for me to stick the knife in.

I stab her in the heart and twist the knife to make sure the wound is deadly. She screamed for a while and then she stopped. Her eyes remained open, but instead of seeing pure white with no pupils, her hazel green eyes reappeared. They were empty dead but I knew now she wasn't possessed anymore. And at that moment I knew I have become soulless. I wasn't different from all those resurrected spirits. They all were soulless and did crazy things. And so have I.

Something was wrong... My body was aching everywhere, it was weakening, I crawl to the window and notice bodies lying on the ground everywhere. And more were falling. All the resurrected spirits were dying. I was dying. I felt weak, I couldn't stand up or make a move. I felt like my muscles were evaporating. I fall to the ground and look up at the ceiling, my vision fading away. I'm dying. I'm...

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