"I wonder how strong of a dosage this is..." You muttered, running your finger over the tip of it.

"(Y/n), careful with that-"

"OW!" You yelped as you pricked your finger on it.

"(Y/n)!" Hiccup exclaimed. You flinched as he looked at your now bleeding finger. He sighed, slightly frustrated. "I just said to be careful."

"S-sorry." You muttered sheepishly, embarrassed at your dumb mistake. Hiccup was more focused on making sure you were okay.

"Arrow, go get Kent. We don't know what was in that and I want to be safe."

"Right." He replied, hopping on Stormfly to go find your brother.

"Hiccup, I'll be fine..." You assured, but as you spoke you began to you wobble a little on your feet, suddenly feeling some-what dizzy.

"Whoa, easy there. You alright?" Your vision cleared again and you nodded as he came back into focus.

"Y-yeah just...dizzy..."

"Must be a stun dart if it takes effect that fast," Gobber concluded. Hiccup nodded, his worry ebbing a little, but only just.

"At least we can assume it's nothing that won't wear off. Come on, just sit down for a moment in case it kicks in again. We'll have Kent look just to be safe, okay?" Hiccup told you gently helping you sit down on a crate. You nodded slowly, still feeling a little out of it. 

Kent and Arrow came back soon enough and he looked you over. You were still a bit disoriented, but you could sit up and focus well enough to follow his orders and listen to his questions. Kent hummed to himself for a moment before nodding with a sigh as his examination came to a close.

"She'll be fine. It's nothing serious. She's practically better already. It must've been a really minor injection. Normally it would knock a human out for longer, but she's already perfectly fine. I'm sure the dart doesn't contain anything poisonous." He told Hiccup as you began to feel more awake again.

"Alright. Thanks, Kent." 

"Of course." He replied and hopped back on Comet. He purred at him happily and Kent smiled, petting him before they both took off together. You stood up and Hiccup was there to catch you if you stumbled, but you didn't, proving that you were fine.

"So, what's the plan?" Arrow asked.

"We'll set a trap for him. If he's really that clever, he'll come to us."

Third Person POV

*Later that night*

Hiccup was searching for clues about the Hidden World in his dad's journal and his map. He scanned through the pages, determined to find something. Though there wasn't much he could actually go off of so far. Still, he was determined to find something. Meanwhile, he was also waiting in case a certain surprise were to occur.

"Alright. Alright, come on give me a clue here. Give me a clue, Dad." Hiccup mumbled to himself.

While Hiccup was looking through the notes, footsteps sounded from above the house and some dust fell from the ceiling. Hiccup put his map and the book away. He looked around the house, scanning for any possible threat. Nothing could be seen, but it wasn't long before he suddenly heard a floorboard creak behind him. 

He turned quickly seeing a silhouette of a man there with white, graying hair and a tall slender figure much like himself. Hiccup could only assume this man to be Grimmel the Grisly. Grimmel poured some water into a mug not looking worried about getting discovered at all. The man seemed at ease and, while he wasn't putting off any bragging vibes, he was certainly confident in himself.

"I hope you don't mind if I help myself," Grimmel began. "This is, uh...really quite good." Hiccup lit up his inferno, making sure to have himself armed. Grimmel didn't look worried in the slightest. "Oh, that is impressive. But let me finish my drink." He went to take a sip, but Grimmel whipped out his crossbow and shot a dart at Toothless. It hit him and Hiccup reacted fast.

"Toothless!" He ran over to him and Grimmel promptly finished his drink, looking rather proud of himself as he loaded another dart into his bow. Hiccup glared at the intruder. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing that he won't sleep off," Grimmel replied nonchalantly, taking a seat in Stoick's chair. This angered Hiccup, but he didn't make any moves yet. "Ahh. Haha. May I?" Grimmel asked to which Hiccup said nothing. "Chief Hiccup, hmm? Do I say Chief Hic-cup! Or do I say Chief Hiccup? What do you prefer?" Grimmel asked, mocking him with his hiccuping sound. Hiccup glared at him, slowly getting closer. "You have no idea who I am, do you? Uh-haha. Well, your father knew of me. Now, there was a chief. One of the greatest dragon hunters to have ever lived! What would he think of you? Haha. He did it right, you know. Making it his mission to destroy those beasts so that you could grow up in a better world." Hiccup decided now was a good time to answer Grimmel.

"He changed his mind." 

"And look where that got him." Hiccup felt the words hit him, but he forced himself to push it away. "So, let's get to the point. I am the Night Fury killer. I've hunted every last one but yours. You are going to give me that dragon. Or I will-"

"I will never give him up!" Hiccup stated bravely. Grimmel stood up and pushed his inferno away. Neither was backing down nor truly afraid of the other, but both could see the seriousness within the man they each faced.

"You wish dragons to live free among us like equals? A toxic notion, my boy. History has shown that we are the superior species. What if word of your misguided ideas were to spread? It would be the undoing of civilization as we...know it. Hmm." Grimmel noticed the straw tail and kicked it, realizing that it wasn't Toothless. Fishlegs sat up, still dazed from the dart.

"Did we get him?" He asked before fainting again. Hiccup quickly used his inferno to get the crossbow away from Grimmel.

"Now!" He shouted to the others. The dragon riders quickly revealed themselves from the covers. Grimmel was surrounded. However, the man didn't look too worried.

"Sorry to barge in!" Gobber stated. Hiccup stood up to Grimmel, feeling like they now had a better upper hand.

"You think you can come into my home? Sit in my father's chair? And threaten my dragon? This is Berk. And we have defended our way of life from far worse than you." He growled.

"Oh. Haha. A fighting spirit, I love it! Only, I'm afraid you're mistaken. You've never seen anything like me!" Grimmel told him before whistling loudly. Confused at first, Hiccup didn't know how to react until the roof caved in above everyone. Arrow yelped as he fell from the beam he was on. 

"Arrow, look out!" Hiccup exclaimed, pushing him out of the way as a terrifying dragon went to strike him. 

"HEY! NOBODY ATTACKS MY FRIEND!" Carl shouted. The dragon turned on him quickly. "Uh oh."

"Carl! Get back!" (Y/n) shouted. She threw a dagger at the dragon to get it's attention away from Carl. It turned on her and leaped at her instead. She shrieked and lunged out of the way.

"(Y/n)! Don't!" Hiccup called. The dragon then turned to him, getting ready to fire. 

"Look out! Get clear, son!" Valka said quickly. Arrow, the brother's, and Gobber carrying Fishlegs hurried to escape.

"Run!" Gobber yelled as Arrow narrowly missed the acid the dragon had spat out. Runa, Valka, Hiccup, and (Y/n) were still inside. Valka used her shield to block the dragon's acid.

"What kind of dragon is that?!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Doesn't matter. We've gotta get out of here!" Hiccup exclaimed. She nodded in agreement. However, Grimmel got on the dragon and began to leave.

"Have my dragon ready when I return! Or I will destroy everything you love!" Hiccup and the rest of the gang rushed outside to see Berk burning before their eyes. (Y/n) looked too shocked to speak. The raw merciless destruction was more than they had ever seen. 

"Oh my gods..." She breathed in distress. As they witness the burning of their homes, the young chief had to admit that his opponent was right. This was nothing like what they had seen before. Hiccup felt fear at the realization of how much danger they could all really be in.

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)Where stories live. Discover now