Chapter 242. Fire Talks With Faisceau.

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Running as fast as he could, Fire burst inside the house, tripped and crashed to the floor making Faisceau scream in terror.

Faisceau: Fire! What is it!? What's wrong!?
Fire: Nothing, nothing.
Faisceau: Good heavens, why did you run in like that!?
Fire: Just... running, Mama.

Rolling her eyes, Faisceau picked up her son and brushed him off. Fire's stone came out from his scarf.

Faisceau: What's this?
Fire: Nothing! It's mine! Rock gave it to me!
Faisceau: We don't lie in this house, Fire. Who gave this to you?

Looking at the floor, Fire didn't answer his mother. Faisceau put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot waiting for her son to speak.

Fire: I don't know... I found it.
Faisceau: Really...?
Fire: Partly.
Faisceau: "Partly"?

Faisceau leaned forward until her face was close to Fire's face. Her gold eyes made Fire nervous.

Faisceau: What do you mean, "Partly"?
Fire: Well... I-I-... Mama?
Faisceau: What?
Fire: My knee hurts.

Whimpering, Fire showed his mother his banged-up knee, Faisceau sighed tiredly.

Five Minutes Later.

Fire sat on the chair looking at his bandaged up knee. Faisceau sat next to him rubbing her hands.

Faisceau: All right, why did Blod give you that stone?
Fire: How did you know he gave it to me?
Faisceau: I have seen these stones before, Fire.
Fire: Oh...
Faisceau: Tell me about it.
Fire: Now?
Faisceau: Now.
Fire: You get mad at me?
Faisceau: Of course not.

Fire glanced at his mother and back at his knee. Faisceau waited quietly. After a few minutes, Fire told his mother everything.

Blod's death.

The stones he gave him.

Why Blod waited for so long.

And that he was a Guardian.

After Fire finished, he looked at the table top waiting for his mother to ask him more questions. Faisceau was so quiet.


Slowly, Fire looked up at his mother. Faisceau was smiling at him.

Fire: Are you all right, Mama?
Faisceau: I knew they were wrong, Fire.
Fire: Look, Blod is in here.

Fire held up the scarlet-colored stone to Faisceau who touched it gently.

Faisceau: How pretty.
Fire: I told him I wouldn't let him down, mama. I won't let you down either.
Faisceau: I know you won't, Fire.

Grinning at his mother, Fire showed her the rest of the clear stones in the box. Faisceau and Fire talked for a long time until Rayon and Sun came in.

Faisceau told her son and her husband Fire's story. Sun was excited for his brother. Rayon went over to Fire and hugged him tightly.

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