"What now? How are we going to find her after that? It's clear she's a lot more wild than the other dragons we rescued. That and we've never seen this exact species before. We don't know the differences between her and Toothless." 

"I don't know, but we'll find her again. If she's the only other dragon even remotely close to Toothless, then we can't let her get caught or hurt. We've gotta make sure she's safe." Hiccup said.

"Agreed." Toothless looked pleased by this. Hiccup laughed as his dragon wriggled around while nuzzling him happily. He gave Toothless a few scratches in his favorite spots to reassure his scaled companion.

"Okay, okay! I get it! Don't worry, we'll find her, bud. You'll see her again." Hiccup told the excited Night Fury. (Y/n) chuckled at the two before mounting Nightshade.

"For now, let's get home. It's getting late and I don't know about all of you, but I'm ready to cash in." Hiccup nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. It's been a long day and now a wild night." He mounted Toothless and the four of them flew back home together to call it a night and get some rest. Their search could wait until morning. 

Your POV

You all arrived home soon enough and you easily slipped off of Nightshade. The four of you headed inside and you followed Hiccup upstairs to his room. The two of you often stayed together since your house was noisy and filled with the boys and their own dragons. It was too crowded for you and Runa most of the time. Runa stayed with Arrow more often than she would admit. 

Hiccup sighed as he took off his armor and gear. You let your hair fall freely as you took out the few skinny braids you had in. You slipped off your armor as well and stretched to get your body loosened up. You didn't notice that Hiccup was staring at you, trying not to make it too obvious. You glanced over and caught how quickly he looked away, trying to save himself. You smiled softly at this. You walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

"Is somebody trying to get some little peeks in here and there?" He blushed, still trying to keep his dignity and morale.

"S-sorry, (Y/n). I didn't mean to-" You kissed him tenderly. He rapidly stopped his worrying and wrapped his arms around you. The two of you stayed that way for a moment before gently breaking apart. You were beaming at him, enjoying the bliss around the two of you. He sighed happily, smiling back. Hiccup brushed some stray hairs out of your face. "You really are just so perfect." You blushed, looking away.

"I wouldn't go that far." 

"Why not? I knew it from the day I first spent any good time with you. I knew you were the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world." He complimented.


"No, I'm serious. You're a gift to everyone, (Y/n)." 

"Hiccup." You said, more sternly now. He frowned, troubled by your denial and somewhat upset tone. 

"What?" You sighed.

"Stop...stop saying I'm this astonishing gift. I...I'm just me. Good grief, if Arrow were a girl you'd say the same stuff to him instead of me." He looked surprised.

"That's not true. Why would you think that?" 

"You really think I'm the one that's a gift out of the two of us?" You asked. "I mean...look at everything you've accomplished. You brought our war to an end and you have protected us ever since." He smiled tenderly at you.

"And who was by my side through all of it?" You paused. "Who supported me before anyone else? Who knew I could do it when I thought all I could do was be a screw-up? Who gave me the strength and courage to fight back?" You smiled a little, knowing that it was true. You had always believed in him. He smiled when he saw it had worked. "(Y/n), I would never ever think of you as anything less than what I know you are. And I promised I'd be there for you. I love you, okay?" He kissed your forehead, bringing back your smile full force. 

"I know, Hiccup. Thank you." 

"And by the way, Arrow? A girl? No, I can not even PICTURE him of all people being a girl or being attractive as one!" Hiccup laughed. You laughed too.

"Well, good thing he isn't then." 

"Yeah. Good thing. If he was a girl your sister wouldn't have a boyfriend either." You laughed again. Hiccup laughed along, glad he could raise your spirits up. After you both stopped laughing, you sighed and put your legs up on the bed, starting to get comfortable for the night.

"Come on. I'm pretty beat, now." You informed with a slight yawn. He yawned too and laid down next to you. He blew out the candle for turning over and facing you again.

"Goodnight, (Y/n). Sweet dreams, okay?" You chuckled.

"Sweet dreams, Hiccup." You agreed soon fell asleep. What you didn't know was that Hiccup had waited until you had fallen asleep to pull you in close and give you a very soft kiss on the lips goodnight. He smiled as he felt your body relax in his arms.

"I love you, (Y/n). Never think that I would want somebody else. I will always love you." He whispered before closing his heavy eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep with you.

Tameless but Together (Hiccup x Reader 3)Where stories live. Discover now