New beginnings

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Why did I thought that this was a good idea? I mumble softly to myself as I stare up to this huge, at least 60 store level of a concrete building in the middle of New York City.
I am not going to lie, everything in New York City is really overwhelming. I feel like I have lived in a bubble this past two weeks since I moved here. Moving to NYC was always a childhood dream of mine but now that I am actually standing here, It feels like this city is going to eat me up alive. Especially for a small city girl like me.

Oh, I should probably introduce myself now.
My name is Rose Sophie Williams. I am 20 years old and no, I am not as neurotic as you may think I am. It is just that I am not used to this type of buzz going on around me. I am from a small town, just outside the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. My childhood basically included hanging out with my friends and play in the dirt. And horse riding. I spend a lot of time in the stables and in between horse shit. A real secure and protected environment to grow up in. Never anything 'exciting' happened in my life. I am from a picture perfect family. You know, one of those they describe in movies.
My parents are still together. Which is rare nowadays, I know. Not that they do not have had their bumps in the road every now and then but, then again what relationship is perfect?

My dad, Peter is a perfect example of how a man should be, in the eyes of society at least. He works for the government. A typical 9 until 5 job. My dad is my best friend though. I always have been close to him. I am a real daddy's girl. He has really layback and sincere personality.
I think that, that is what I like the most about him. He is the complete opposite from my mother, Susan. I never really understood how those two people ended up together. My mom is always in everyone's business and God, she sure loves a good juicy story. I know she means no harm but, it can be really annoying sometimes. You can describe my mom's and I relationship as difficult. Do not get me wrong, I love the woman with my whole heart but, I guess our personalities just do not really match. I am not a typical type of girl. I do not really care about gossiping. In fact, I hate it, or what my makeup looks like at every moment off the day. There are days that I do not even wear makeup at all. That is the complete opposite from my mom and my sister. O shit, yeah I have a sister. Her name is Lily. You probably noticed by now that our parents are quite keen on 'naming-your-kid-after-a-flower'. Sad. I know.
Let me think about how I can best describe my sister personality.. Well, let me state it like this: it would not surprise me if they would ask her as the leading person for the next upcoming movie of the 'Mean Girls'. She is 5 ft. 5, 16 years old and pure evil. I do not know how she and I can share the exact same DNA.

Well, back to me. After all this is a story about me. Where was I? O yea.. like I said, my childhood was pretty easy. Never had anything major happening to me. I always had the dream to move abroad for a longer period of time. I wanted to know what it's like to really live and escape the little town I grew up in. So, when the opportunity came along to spend a year abroad for my internship, I took it with both of my hands. For some reason, New York City always had some type of magnetic pull on me. So, I didn't really had any doubt about where I was going to go but still, there are a lot of this you can do in this city. I never really had a clear picture of what I wanted to become when I grew up as a kid. I always envied those people back in the days who knew exactly what they wanted to do in life. Even in senior year of university, I still didn't really knew what I wanted to do in my life. I had absolutely no clue. It all changed when I saw the documentary of the live of Avicii. I remember this like it was yesterday. It was on a rainy 'Summer' night in Holland. I was scanning through Netflix, when that specific documentary caught my eye. Upon this day, I still do not know what it was, what made me decide to watch it but, I am so grateful that I did it because, that documentary made such an impact on me. I just could not understand why his manager didn't protected him more. Especially the part, where he is in the hospital and the doctors say that he need a surgery but because of his insane schedule, he couldn't do it. All I could think about in the moment was that I would have done it totally different if I was in that situation. I study business so, I know that it was probably a multimillion deal they had with all those festivals and party organizations but still, he was still a human. Money isn't as important when someone's life is in stack. If Avicii would have had a better team around him, his story could have been totally different. It is so important what type of people you surround yourself with. In your normal life but especially in a life of someone who is in the spotlights. It's really easy to lose your way in that lifestyle.
So, moral of this intense long story(Sorry about that btw) is that, from that day forward I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to become the best artist manager there is on this planet.

Rose [S.M] Where stories live. Discover now