Once I made it to the bedroom, I rapped myself in a towel and wai—

Lance came from behind me and slapped my butt making we turn around with my mouth open in shock.

As soon as I fill turned around, his lips had crashed into mine with and he instantly inserted his tongue in my mouth.

When I moved my arms to put it around his neck, the towel that was wrapped around me dropped to the floor.

A few more seconds of making out had gone by until Lance decided to lift me up and bring me and lay me down on the bed so he was now on top of me, not daring to break the kiss.

Oh wow.

I pulled away and asked. "What are you doin?"

"You're Ready aren't you?" He looked down at me.

"Yeah but—" he cut me off.

"Ok then" he continued on with kissing me.

I felt him move a little bit but I could easily tell what he was doing, he was taking the towel from around his waist.

He pulled away from the kiss to look down. "Spread em."

I did exactly what he told me to do and about seconds later, I felt his member touch my core. Then it moved to my hole. He then gave me a peck before he tried to push it in and I winced.

It was after about 6 tries when it fully went in making me groan in pain signaling the hurting of me being deflowered.

No one told me that This hurts that much.

"Shhhh...just relax" Lance reassured me in a soft voice.

I nodded in response while biting down hard.

After that he started to move in and out as I moaned in pain at every single time he move.

It soon began to feel good after a couple seconds so it was a mixture of both pain and pleasure.

{Kendra's POV}

I was busting out laughing as Jaylen and I was talking and he mentioned how big his dick was.

"Never joke about that ever again" I said to him between laughs.

We were currently walking back to the room all four of us had to share since we couldn't afford our own rooms.

He kisses his teeth then smiles. "You think I'm jokin?"

"Yup" I answered when I became calm.

"Well you better think again" he told me.

"Sure..." I looked him up and down.


"So how's you and yo girlfriend?" He asks me.

"Let's not talk about that right now" I frowned.


We finally pulled up to the room and I took my keys out my bag to open the door. The others weren't here yet (probable still out gambling) so it was just the two of us.

Once I got in the big bed, I got comfortable.

"Can you bring me a water?" I asked Jaylen.

"Girl, the bag is right there" he pointed to the white plastic bag we brought back.

I groaned. "I know, I just don't fell like getting up."


He goes and gets me a bottle of water and comes hand it to me then sat on the bed with me.

I frantically opened the water and took a huge sip before closing the bottle up.

"Damn, I was so damn th—" I was cut off by Jaylens lips rushing onto mine.

This is wrong.

I tried to push him away but he didn't budge and kept on kissing me.

I gave in and kissed him back. Eventually, he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

He slowly climbed on top of me and I started to take his jacket off while he stared to take my shirt off.

Oh, I am so sorry. I know it's wrong but I just can't help it.

After ripping each other's clothes off, we were finally naked and getting down to business.

To Be Continued...


My Ride or Die|✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant