Ōkami's POV
Beside me sat a stranger. New class new people I did not look forward to it after what happened last year. Everyone has forgotten about the incident but some people still remember. Most boys had already moved on to the next pretty girl. Fawning over the belle of the new first years.

No one really remembers Akazuki anymore. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air, like she was not even there in the first place... Maybe she really did not exist and I was imagining it all. No, she was real. I knew she was. Everything that happened between us was real alright. I wanted it all back, to turn back time. However, time could not unwind and the time gone could not be taken back. Why did we have to be cursed? Why us? Why her? What did she ever do? Or was it me that may have done a sin to never be worthy of her love? I did not know but all I knew was that I could never touch her again...

So I continued to sit at my seat, staring blankly at the whiteboard. Maybe I would concentrate for a change, and that was what I did.

Akazuki's POV
I felt drowsy, my consciousness stirring, spinning round. What was happening? Why was it getting so bright? I looked around at my surroundings, a strong antiseptic smell hitting my nose. Where was I? Everything was so bright. Lifting my hand, I wanted to shield myself from the brightness however I felt a restraint. Turning to look at my arm through the thins slits which I managed to open. Something was attached to my arm, many many somethings... I tried opening my eyes wider, blinking multiple times trying to adjust to the light around me. Why did I refer to light in such a foreign way? As if I have not seen it in a long time. Finally adjusted to the brightness, I looked around to get a feel of my surroundings. It was a...a hospital room? It looked like one, I was not sure. Looking at my arms I could see many wires connected to them, all originating from a machine beside my bed. The machine beeped really loudly. It was a heart monitor. I was in a hospital room! But why...?

That was when I heard a different sound, the door clicked. I turned my head instantly, scared. Scared of who would be behind that door. It was someone I did not know, a white trench coat and professional looking appearance. As she walked in her eyes landed on me. Our eyes met. "Oh you're awake!" Her eyes lit up and she ran back out the door. I could hear some shouts echoing down the corridor. Followed by footsteps of a few other people. The door opened and they all came forward, attending to me. I finally managed to sit up. However instead of peacefulness, they tested my reflexes and asked a lot of questions which I answered blindly. Why were they all buzzing around me like bees, it was irritating. I frowned a little, giving them a stare. "Thank you for helping me, but are you done yet? I'm a little tired and want to rest." I said in a sweet yet sharp tone, making my words clear and firm. They all looked up nodding, and everyone shuffled out of the room. Leaving me alone again, I felt comfortable but also uncomfortable at the same time. I liked the presence of them surrounding me but I felt that it was extremely irritating too. It was really odd.

I looked out the window, I could feel the breeze blowing slightly. There were sakura trees outside! Their petals flying in the wind, it was really serene. It soothed my agitated mind. It was really pretty too, it felt like I could watch the sakura petals forever. I sighed, laying back down on the pillow behind me. Closing my eyes for a bit, trying to memorise the breathtaking scene of petals flying. Beautiful.

Wait...what day was it? Why was I in a hospital? Suddenly reality seemed to flood into my mind. I could hear the heart monitor beeping faster and faster, my chest felt tight and it was hard to breathe. I was wheezing, "Someone hel-help me!" I managed to shout out. The room door had busted open and the doctors ran in. Doing some stuff to calm me. Finally after a while my breathing was stable again. The female doctor whom I assume is my main doctor sat beside me and pat my back. Gently speaking to me, "Don't stress yourself. It'll make your heart rate go crazy and instability in your heart rate may cause death. So please don't stress yourself with anything now." I nodded, heading her words, resting. Maybe I should read a book, I thought and requested for one. So I begin reading the light novel, it was about forbidden love. Interesting, I always loved these kind of stories.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now