Trying To Keep It Secret

Start from the beginning

'Pandora Riddle?' A cold girlish voice asked behind me.  

I turned smiling at the mention of my voice to see Umbridge standing in Dumbledore's office with me.  

'Professor Umbridge' I said smiling.  

'My dear what are you doing here?' she asked  

'Oh Dumbledore said I could come back because I wasn't safe where I was staying' I explained.  

'What do you mean you weren't safe?' she asked  

'Family stuff-'  

'Oh yes I have heard rumours you are pregnant, is that true?' she asked  

I swallowed 'I was but not now'  

'I was speaking to You're uncle Lucius this morning about the rumour-'  

'What!' I yelled  

'I said was speaking-'  

'Yes I heard but you shouldn't have told him Professor' I interrupted. I started pacing up and down the office.

Harry POV  

'Hermione come here LOOK!' I shouted. Looking down at the marauders map. Hermione rushed to me and looked down at the marauders map at the dot i was pointing at which was pacing in Dumbledore's study.  

'What the hell is she doing here?' Hermione asked  

'No idea but it cant be good' I said 'I'm going to go and see her'  

'What! no you can't, she's there for a reason and if-' I held my hand up to Hermione as Pandora Riddle's dot quickly made it's way down the stair case.  

'See you in a bit' I said giving her the map and grabbing my invisibility clock. I pulled it over myself as I saw her a floor below me. I ran down the stairs two at a time. As I caught up to her she seamed to speed up, running down the stairs three at a time. I tried to be as quite as I could. When we reached the bottom of the stairs she suddenly stopped before I could stop I fell onto her.  

'Ahh FUCK!' she screamed and rolled over, pulling the invisibility cloak off me with her elbow 'Potter what the hell are you doing following me?' she asked reaching for her wand 'Shit!' she said.  

'I was going down to ask Snape about my homework but you stopped to quickly'  

'Don't lie to me Potter' she said coldly her eyes turned a fiery red like her fathers 'You're lucky im in a rush and that I don't have my wand with me'  

What? where's her wand 'what do you mean, you haven't got you're wand?' I asked  

'Its none of your business Potter' she snapped getting up and brushing her muggle clothes  

'why are you back?' I asked  

'Because I am, potter leave me alone' she said as I stood up to stop her from going anywhere.  

'I want to know why you're back' I said stubbornly  

'I'll call peeves, peeves listens to me you know?' she said with a smile on her face.  

'I'm not moving until you tell me why you're back' I said bitterly  

'Very well.... PEEVES! POTTY'S WONDERING ABOUT AFTER CURFEW!' she screamed at the top of her voice 'have fun Harry' she laughed and pushed past me.  

I heard a distant voice call 'Potty's out of bed, Potty's our of bed, Mr Filch shall hear about this'  

I groaned and pulled my cloak over me.

Pandora POV  

One I was out of sight from Potter I walked to the common room. The room was full of voice's.  

'Pandora!' I heard Pansy yell. Pansy came running up to me and hugged me 'What are you doing back?'  

'Dumbledore sent me back here' I explained  

'Is it true, are you really... you know... pregnant?' she asked  

'I was but not any more' I said smiling at her.  

'Oh' she mumbled  

'It's not like I could keep it anyway, It would be related to blood-traitors and filth like that' I said coldly 'I'll be back in a bit Pansy, I need to see my father'  

I left the common room and walked down the dungeon corridor into Snape's office. I knew that if Lucius told my father I was pregnant that me visiting them would probably lead to my death but I had to give a shot at trying to tell them different.  

I grabbed some Floo power out of a pot by the fire place and shouted 'Malfoy Manor'  

A second later I was standing in the fireplace in the living room.  

'LUCIUS!' I screamed at the very top of my voice.  

There was a few muffled voice's from the meeting room. I rushed to the door and pulled it open, the room was full of Death-eaters and my father.  

Barty Crouch Jr was the Death-eater nearest to me, and to my surprise Draco was sitting at the table to beside his father.  

'Barty give me your wand' I said watching Lucius. Barty pulled out his wand and handed it to me. 'Lucius, come with me' I ordered.  

'Pandora, what are you doing?' My father asked  

'Just need a quick chat with Lucius, that's all' I said nodding, with my eyes still on Lucius he stood up and followed me out of the room. I closed the door and said 'Muffilato' pointing my wand at the door 'You haven't told my father what Umbridge told you have you?' I asked in a hiss.  

'No, I didn't believe it was true- but since you're being like this I am assuming it is true?' he said  

'It's not true ok' I snapped 'mention a word of it to my father then I'll feed you to Nagini'  

Lucius swallowed and nodded, his eyes filled with terror.  

'What can Lucius not tell me Pandora?' My fathers voice rang into the room. He was standing at the doorway to the meeting room.


Sorry It's been a while but I've been busy. Hope you like it

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