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Being with Derek, and our pack. I always felt the added amount of strength, but a lot of it always came from our will. I felt stronger because I had them, not because they were Werewolves.

With the Alpha's, I felt that strength intensify by a million, but it wasn't the same. It felt wrong. It had a terrible energy from it. Like I could feel all the death and destruction they'd caused. Almost as if I was experiencing it myself.

I stepped into the edge of the clearing. Deucalion's red eyes focused on the few fireflies roaming about above us. I remember what Scott told me about them. They had something to do with the sacrifices. There wasn't supposed to be luminescent fireflies in California. That, with all the other irregular animal behavior happening, I was glad I didn't have a cat.

"A firefly." I observed, glancing back at him.

"Unusual for this region." He says.

"It's because of Jennifer, isn't it?" I asked, looking at them curiously. "All the odd animal behavior."

"They say animals can sense natural disasters when they're about to happen. Maybe they can sense supernatural ones as well." Deucalion ponders.

"Does she scare you?" I ask.

"She concerns me." He says simply. "If she's willing to kill that many innocent people for her cause, people like your father, Scott and Stiles' parents as well."

"Are you willing to kill innocent people?" I demanded. Of course he knew it was in my nature to do the exact opposite, which is why I didn't get why he wanted me in his pack so badly.

"I'll kill any living thing that gets in my way." He says firmly, making the hairs on the back of my head stand up.

"What makes you think I'd help you?" I asked, looking at him. "You clearly know a lot about Guardians. I'm your exact opposite, I'm not even an Alpha."

"My drive, is for more than the color of red eyes. And Guardians, well... let's just say, they tend to be a good luck charm." He says cryptically.

Some charm. Half my pack was dead. Two of them by their hands. If anything, I'm a bad luck charm.

"You want power." I stated.

"Everyone craves power." He says. "Only the strongest have the will to take it."

He turned away from the clearing, walking into the woods. I took one last glance at the fireflies, then followed. We walked through the woods, Deucalion's stick tapping against the dirt. I made sure to stay behind him. I may be with him now, but that didn't mean I was his shield. Despite what he thinks, I'll never really be a part of this pack.

We soon approached the others. The three of them circled around Ms. Morrell, who was safely inside a circle of mountain ash. Looking rather scared of all the Alphas, looking at her like she was a meal, and they hadn't eaten in days.

"How did you know, Marin," Deucalion says as we near her. "That we'd come for you?"

"Because Jennifer and I are the same." She states. "And I know you've always been suspicious of us, of what we can do."

"With good reason." Kali says circling her. "We know that you sent that girl- the one who helped Isaac."

"What was her name?" Deucalion asks, as if he already didn't know.

"Braeden." Ms. Morrell says spitefully. "And I sent her to do what I've always done. Maintain Balance."

"What do you know about Jennifer?" Kali demands.

"Nothing more than you know." She denies. Her gaze shifted to me. "This isn't you, Kara. Go back to your friends."

"She can decide what's right for herself." Deucalion tells her.

"Not without all the information." She sneers. "Have you told her everything you've done? How you've piled up bodies in a narcissistically psychotic effort to form your perfect pack? Bodies, that include Ennis, by the way."

She says that last part, looking over at Kali. "My brother saved him." Morrell tells them. "He was alive when Deucalion went in to see him. He wants you to go after Derek, Kali, to force his decision. If Derek joins the pack, it paves the way for Scott and Kara."

"The lies people will tell when they're begging for their life." Deucalion sighs.

"Ask him." She says to Kali, nodding over to Deucalion.

In one swift motion, Deucalion lifts his arm. Sending his stick flying at Morrell. Lodging it right into her shoulder. She cries out, stumbling back, tripping over the mountain ash, breaking the seal. Kali advances towards her, and I spring forward, crouching in front of Morrell.

"Back off." I growled, my eyes illuminating.

Kali froze, not moving back, but not coming any closer. I turn back to Morrell, carefully grabbing hold of the stick. Then I jerk it out quickly, making her cry out again. I toss the stick aside, covering her wound with my hand.

"I'm not gonna let them kill you." I promise her. "But if you know something, if you know where they are-"

"The Nemeton..." She exhales in pain. "You find that, you'll find Jennifer. Find the Nemeton."

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