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I didn't have much trouble finding my new locker. It was a good change, hopefully mine was farther away from Scott's this time. I punched in the code, and grabbed the books I needed for the first three classes.

I felt someone next to me all of the sudden, and I turned my head. Scott was there, opening the locker next to mine. That's right, they assign lockers alphabetically to students' last names....

"Hey..." He said almost hopefully.

"You've got to be kidding me." I muttered, slamming my locker shut. I attempted to walk away, but Scott lightly grabbed my arm.

"Can we please just talk? It's been two months, Kara. Please." He pleaded with me. I shook his hand roughly off my arm and glared at him

"I told you to stay away from me. Or was my right hook too subtle?" I said annoyed.

"You can't ignore me forever!" He called out as I walked away.

"Watch me!" I shouted back, refusing to look back at him.

Of course, the universe decided to screw me further by having Scott and I in the same first period. I avoided his gaze, and scanned the room for a seat. I went toward the back, taking a vacant seat behind Stiles. He immediately turned around in his chair.

"You guys seriously still aren't talking?" Stiles scoffed.

"Stiles..." I warned him.

"Okay, all right, I know. Stay out of it. I'm switzerland." He sighs.

"Good." I said leaning back in my chair.

Suddenly, everyone's phone started going off. Even mine. I unlocked the screen, looking down a long paragraph text from a random unknown number.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." A woman said, reading the text as she walked into the room, stopping in front of the desk.

"This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone." She says. I sigh, but click the phone off, tucking it into my front pocket. Another teacher walks into the room, and whispers into our new teacher's ear.

"Mr. McCall, Mrs. Montgomery." She says, beckoning us to come outside.

My eyebrows pull together in confusion. Stiles gives me a weird look, as I get up and walk out, Scott right behind me. We walk outside and our new teacher closes the door behind her.

"Your parents have called, and pulled you out." She says. "Uh, I'm sure it's an emergency if your parent's need you to leave school, but, I'm gonna give you two a warning in the nicest possible way. I'm well aware of both of your attendance records. I don't want to see you two slip back into all habits, you seem like good kids.

"I won't," Scott says.

"Understood." I nod.

"Alright, good. I'll see you both tomorrow." She says turning back inside to the classroom.

"What the hell is going on? Why are we both being pulled out?" I ask walking down the hallway.

Scott pulls out his phone, reading about a dozen texts.

"It's Isaac. He's in the hospital." Scott says.

We drove to the hospital in silence. Scott's mom let us know what room Isaac was in, and we headed up in the elevator. Just before the door could close, a walking stick blocks the way, making the doors slide open agan.

A blind man wearing sunglasses walks in slowly, and I move closer to the back of the elevator to make room.

"Would you hit the button for the second floor, please?" The man asks.

"Yeah." Scott says, pushing the button. The ride is again completely silent. The doors dinged open after a moment, and the man put his cane out in front of us.

"You wouldn't mind helping me out for a second, would you?" He asks.

"Sure..." I gave in after a moment, and nodded for Scott to go find Isaac. The man places his hand on my shoulder, letting me guide him.

"Room 201." He says.

I look around for the room, the closest one to me is 197, so it should just be around the corner. I lead him down the hall, and stop in front of the door.

"We're here, 201." I said awkwardly.

"Thank you, Karaline." He says.

"No problem." I smiled, then realized he couldn't actually see me, so I turned around and headed back down the hall towards the room. Wait...

I stopped and turned around, but he was gone. How did he know my name? I try to forget about it, and sprint down the hall to catch up with Scott. I see him standing at the end of the hall, looking ready to wolf out. What was he doing?

I finally reached him, and was able to see what he was looking at. Inside the elevator was Isaac, who was unconscious in a wheelchair, and a male nurse. I looked down, noticing the claws on his hands. My eyes lit up and I flicked out my claws, my throat letting out a growl.

Scott and I charged at him, making it just in time before the doors slide closed. The man grabs me by my neck, throwing me up. His eyes were glowing red. He's an Alpha...

He threw me up, my back slamming against the elevator lights. I coughed, and looked up to see him now holding Scott against the wall by his throat.

"Don't you realize what you're dealing with?" The man asked. "I'm an Alpha."

The elevator dinged open again, and there stood Derek. He inserted his claws into the man's back, making him release Scott.

"So am I." Derek says before tossing him out of the elevator. The doors slide closed again and Derek looks down at the two of us. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

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