Unresolved Feelings

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Cora was right, I knew it, and Scott knew it too. He just wasn't willing to accept it. I knew I needed to do something, I just didn't know what.

We didn't have to worry about the Alphas for the moment. They gave Derek until the full moon, so at least I won't have to worry about any attacks from them. Our most pressing problem was the Darach.

The deputy we found last night, Tara, she had to fall under the philosophers. She wasn't a Guardian, and I remember she use to teach middle school. There were still two more philosophers to be taken, then he was coming after the Guardians.

No brainstorming there. I knew exactly who would be taken. My dad, Evan, and me. The three Guardians in Beacon Hills. A perfect fit. But there was no way in hell I would let them be sacrificed.

"Kara!" Scott called my name, as I heard him chasing after me down the hall. "Where are you going?"

I didn't stop for him, but he caught up easily. "Nowhere. The Darach is targeting teachers, and we're in a school."

"Okay, just hold up a second please." He said trying to slow me down.

"Are you having trouble processing the fact that people are being sacrificed as we speak?" I demanded. "Or, do I need to remind you that after the next two people are killed, the Darach is coming after my family."

"No, I just, I know, I want to help." Scott stuttered.

"Really? Because if you did, you would have told me about it when you found out." I stopped, facing him in the middle of the hallway.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I just didn't want you to panic, I thought we could stop him before it got that far-"

"God- Scott, have you learned nothing?" I scoffed. "I just forgave you for what happened with Derek, and you- you go and do this!"

"I'm sorry..." Scott whispered. His eyes full of hurt. "I am so, so sorry..."

"I'm tired of hearing you tell me those words." I shook my head.

"I know." Scott nods. "I'm going to be a better friend, I promise."

"Don't make me promises you can't keep." I warned.

"I'm not." Scott said firmly, stepping closer to me. "I mean it, just like when I promised you you wouldn't die in that bathroom. I meant it then, and I mean it now."

Did he really have to bring that up? I hoped we were just gonna forget it ever happened. It wasn't supposed to mean anything. That's what I told Derek. That it didn't mean anything, because I thought it didn't.

"Scott..." I said, averting his gaze. I didn't know what to say to him.

"Look, I know we haven't really talked about what happened-"

"Because we don't need to." I shook my head. "Nothing happened. I was dying, emotions were running high, I get it. But, I am with Derek, and we, are just friends."

"Uh, okay, yeah. You're right." Scott nodded in agreement after a moment.

"AHHHHHH!" Loud shrieking echoed through the halls, making the two of us cover our ears.

After a few seconds it stopped, and we shared a concerned look. "Lydia." Scott confirmed.

We sprinted down the halls, trying to pinpoint where the scream came from. Across the building, there were dozens of students crowded outside a classroom. Scott and I pushed past them, but we still weren't allowed inside the room.

We were able to see Lydia inside, talking with Mrs. Blake. "I don't get why no one's calling the police." Lydia exclaimed.

"They're going to make an announcement over the P.A." Mrs. Blake told her.

"That's not going to do anything." Lydia persisted. "I told you, he's gone. Like the others, taken."

"Okay." Mrs. Blake exhaled. "Look, we're just trying to understand, okay? All we know is that Mr. Westover didn't show up for class."

"And the last time that happened was Mr. Harris." Lydia pointed out. "Anyone heard from him lately? He's gone. And he's going to be the second murder." Lydia said, pointing to the chalkboard. On the board, was some sort of celtic knot drawing. With the number two in one of the circles.

"But, Lydia, you wrote that number." Mrs. Blake says.

"Okay, fine." Lydia admits. "I'm psychic."

"You're psychic?" Mrs. Blake asks doubtfully.

"I'm something!" Lydia shrieks.

"He only needs one more teacher." I say under my breath, directed at Scott.

"I know...." Scott says, clenching his jaw.

I back away from the door, pulling Scott's arm away from the prying ears of the students. I dragged him down the hallway, near the courtyard entrance.

"We can't wait, we need to do something, now." I insisted. "Scott, we can't protect all these teachers when they leave here. We don't have any idea who the Darach is going to take."

"Maybe not, but they aren't leaving." Scott said looking out the doors.

Across the courtyard, I could see one of the teachers passing out pamphlets for tonight's orchestra concert. "They're all going to the concert." Scott said.

"Great, an audience to watch someone be taken." I scoffed. "We can't handle this ourselves."

"Okay, should we call Derek?" He asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm gonna call my Dad."

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