It's All Downhill From Here

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The bleeding in my abdomen stopped, but it wasn't completely healed. And I felt the pain with every running step I took. It was slowing me down, but I pushed through it. I still wasn't too far behind Scott, so I kept following him. He was focused enough to know where he was going.

I finally made it to a clearing, Scott grabbing one of the kids in front of Boyd. He was distracted by a swarm of fireflies, so I dashed by him. Picking up the other kid and running back into the woods. The little girl holds on tightly to me as we run through the forest.

Finally, we're far enough away to stop, and Scott pulls out his phone. I set the girl down, but she doesn't let go of my leg. I pet her hair down comfortingly, waiting for Scott.

"We lost him." Scott says.

"You lost them?" Derek's voice booms through the phone.

"We kind of had too." Scott tells him.

"Wasn't exactly the plan." Derek says agitated.

"I know, which is why I think that we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together." Scott says persistently.

"Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?" Derek asks.

"Yeah." Scott nods, looking down at the two terrified kids. "Just gotta drop something off first."

We dropped off the kids in a safe spot, just outside the woods, then we headed towards Derek's location. Scott once again taking the lead, but not straying too far ahead. I tried so hard to keep up, but I knew I was slowing him down.

I winced at the pain in my abdomen, closing my eyes for half a second. My foot catches on something, and I fall forward right on my face. I groan, pushing myself on my hands and knees. I feel Scott's hand on my back, and he holds my arm, helping me off the ground. Very suddenly, the pain starts to ease, and my eyes dart to Scott's arm that's touching mine. I see black veins traveling from my arm and up his.

"Don't!" I shove him away from me angrily, making me stumble, struggling to stay on my feet. "Don't take my pain."

"I'm just trying to help-" Scott says.

"I don't need your help!" I shout back at him.

"Kara-" Scott says, trying to grab my arms to hold me steady.

"No-" I try to back away from him, but my foot catches on something again, and I fall on my ass. I groan, my hand going to my stomach. My hands feel sticky hot blood, I guess I hadn't healed as much as I thought. I tried to focus, tried to let myself heal. But all I could think of was the moment I saw Erica's rotting body. It was stuck in my head.

"Kara, just take it easy." Scott says trying to calm me down.

I try to sit up, pushing his hand off my shoulder. "No, every second we waste they could be killing someone else." I growl at him, getting back on my feet, but still holding onto my wound.

"You can't help anyone if you bleed out in the woods. Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks. Scott's wounds were completely healed, I didn't know why mine were taking so long, Boyd was only a Beta.

"It doesn't matter, let's go." I said taking a few deep breaths before breaking out into a sprint.

"Kara, wait!" Scott tried to stop me, but I ignored his calls.

We eventually made it back to where Derek was. We stuck together, and Derek led us through the edge of the woods, tracking them by scent. We stopped, Derek looking down at a footprint in the mud.

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