Wake Up Call

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"We're just gonna talk to him." Scott says leading us into the abandoned mall. "Try to reason with him. That's it, all right?"

I nodded in agreement, but Isaac didn't say anything. He had this look of doubt plastered over his face. "What?" Scott asks.

"Nothing, it's just, I'm actually kind of hungry now." Isaac says.

"So am I." Scott sighs, leading us further inside.

The place was dark, and covered in dust. The whole building actually looked like it was falling apart. Isaac and I stayed on either side of Scott, almost protectively. We finally walked past some tall columns, and about a hundred feet away standing at the top of a broken escalator was Deucalion.

"You didn't come alone." Deucalion speaks.

"Yeah. This is Isaac and Kara." Scott tried to say as casual as possible. I, on the other hand, was completely on edge. He knew my name back at the hospital, that can't be all he knows.

"I'm not talking about them." Deucalion says.

My eyes follow Scott's, we see Derek approaching from the side. Fully transformed, with Boyd and Cora behind him. Any chance of peace just burned to the ground.

"You knew I would do this?" Scott accused him in disbelief. "Derek, don't. You can't do this and no one gets hurt. If someone else dies-"

"Him." Derek growls, pointing to Deucalion. "Just him."

"Just me?" Deucalion perks up. "Now, how's a blind man find his way into a place like this all on his own?"

On some sort of cue, a woman with claws on her hands, and feet, slides down one of the columns. Eyes bright red, and bloodthirsty. I hear movement behind us and turn around quickly. The other Alpha from the hospital, creeping up behind us. Then finally, the twins appear on the level above us. Trapping us in a circle.

We backed up a few steps, but I stayed a step in front of Scott, standing in front of him like a shield. Derek charges towards Deucalion and the woman leaps at him, kicking him right in the face.

All hell breaks out and the twins land down to our level, slamming into each other to morph into one. Isaac charges at them, but I stay planted next to Scott. I look at him worriedly, completely unsure what to do. There's no avoiding a fight now, he had to know that.

He looked torn, but he growled and shifted. I followed his lead, cranking my head to the side as I felt my fangs slip out. The twins finally knock Isaac on his ass, so Scott and I run at them. Scott being a few steps ahead of me, they grabbed him first, slamming him into the concrete wall. Several large chunks of concrete falling around him.

With the twins' backs turned, I go to slash their back. I don't even see them coming when they whirl back around, slashing their claws up my stomach. I roared in agony, then I felt something hard slamming against the wound, throwing me several feet back.

The only thing I can sense are the screams. Scott and Isaac's screams where the one's I could hear the clearest. And someone in the background I could hear Boyd and Cora. Derek was harder to hear, mostly because he saw it as a sign of weakness. He wanted to keep up his strong front, but I could sense that he was in pain.

"Aghh!" I groaned, trying to stop the blood from leaving my stomach like a fountain. I looked up, Isaac looked unconscious, and the twins were walking over to me, holding tightly onto the back of Scott's neck.

I tried to get up, but they grabbed me in a fraction of a second. Their claws digging into the back of my neck as they lifted me onto my knees. I whimpered, hearing Scott moaning in pain next to me.

"Kill him." Deucalion's voice commanded.

I looked up, gasping for air. Everyone's eyes trained on Boyd on the ground. "The others can go."

He means Derek. He wants Derek to kill Boyd. But why? Derek- Derek would never do that, but for some reason I found myself raked with anxiety as I watched them.

"You're beaten." Deucalion says walking down the steps. "Do it, Derek. Take the first step."

"Are we serious with this kid?" The woman asks, peering at Derek. "Look at him. He's an Alpha? To what? A couple of useless teenagers?"

"Some have more promise than others." Deucalion says looking our way.

"Let him rise to the occasion then." She demands. Do they mean Scott? What the hell would an Alpha pack want with a Beta?

"What'll it be, Derek?" She asks. "Pack or Family?"

She growls, stepping harder onto Cora's throat. Making her cry out, gasping desperately for air. Then Derek looked back down to Boyd. No. no, no no- he can't! Out of nowhere, I hear a familiar whistling soaring through the air. Oh crap.

I immediately look down, trying to stop the blinding sparks from impairing my vision. The twins are knocked back, releasing Scott and I. My head goes up for a moment, and I see Allison standing up on the upper level. I'm actually glad she's here for the first time ever.

The Alpha's scream, all getting knocked away by the blistering light. "Your eye- cover your eyes!" Deucalion instructs them. Allison releases several more arrows, and I keep my head down until they stop coming.

Scott jumps up, running towards the largest Alpha. I try to stop him, but the wound in my stomach tears more, forcing me to lose focus and fall back on my face.

"Scott, don't!" I roar.

Scott's body rams into his. There's a loud cracking, almost like thunder, and I don't wanna think about what he just broke. A split second passes, and instead of Scott, it's the Alpha that gets knocked back to the floor. Scott glanced back to me, and I swore, for a split second I thought his eyes were red.

The large Alpha goes to attack him again, but Derek grabs him, pulling him away from us and continuing to brawl with him.

"AGHHH!" I roared, louder than I thought I could. My eyes burning with fury. I had to get up, and that anger was just the strength I needed to push myself up on my hands and knees. I groaned, feeling the wound tear even more but didn't stop moving towards Derek.

My eyes widened. Upahead, Derek and the Alpha were fighting dangerously close to the edge of the level. Nothing preventing them from falling down. I kept one hand tightly around my stomach, and lunged forward with the other, managing to make some deep marks into him.

He started to fall back, and he had his hands tightly on Derek's shoulder. Derek's eyes locked onto mine for a single moment, before he was pulled down.

"NO!" I screamed, scrambling to the edge, but someone's arms kept me from falling as well. I couldn't do anything but watch in horror as Derek's body slammed into an escalator two floors below us.

"Derek!" I cried out in pain.

"Kara, we have to go!" I realized then it was Scott who was holding me back.

"No!" I growled, pushing against him as he pulled me away from the edge.

"Kara! We need to go, now!" Scott said in a very panicked voice. And as much as it pained me, I listened.

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