New Year, Same Me

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My alarm went off and that's when I jumped out of bed and out the door. I've waited almost three months for this. I ran barefoot down the cold staircase, right into the kitchen.

"Evan!" I screamed. He grinned, getting up from the table to embrace me. "Oh my god, it feels like forever since I saw you!"

"It was three months, barely." He chuckled, hugging me tightly. I pulled away, looking at him in disbelief.

"You grew like half a foot, you're literally taller than me now!" I laughed.

"Sucks being the short one, doesn't it?" He asked.

"Oh, shut up," I hit his shoulder lightly.

"I missed you, too." Evan smiles. "We're lucky we got here late last night, I was afraid I was gonna miss my first day of freshman year."

That's right. He's fifteen now. Which meant we were at the same school now. I was worried. So many inexplicable life threatening events have happened there. It was only a matter of time before he crossed paths with something supernatural.

"Kara, go get dressed, you guys don't wanna be late." Dad nodded from the counter.

"Okay." I sighed. I gave my mom a quick hug before heading back up the stairs.

"So, what's been up with you?" Evan asked as we walked out the front door.

"Nothing," I shrugged. "I had a pretty boring summer."

It wasn't all bad. I spent a lot of time with Derek and Isaac, they were great to be around, and Derek and I were closer than ever. I spent some time with Stiles, but never with Scott. I'd seen him a few times outside his house, but we hadn't spoken since that night.

I walked around and unlocked the car. I glanced across the lawn, I saw Scott getting on a green motorbike. He said he always wanted one. I guess he finally convinced his mom to let him have it.

"Hey Scott!" Evan waved to him. Scott turned, looking over to us. His sad eyes locking with mine.

"Hey." Scott returned a half smile. I didn't say anything, I just quickly opened the car door, and got in.

"Evan, come on, we're gonna be late." I said annoyed. Evan got in, and looked at me with a weirded out expression.

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what." I played dumb, pulling out of the driveway.

"What just happened." He said eyeing me. "Since when do you guys not talk?"

"It's nothing," I lied.

"That definitely wasn't nothing." Evan said putting his seat belt on.

"We haven't really talked for a while." I shrugged, focusing on the road.

"What happened? You guys are like best friends." Evan said.

"People change." I sighed.

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