As I Lay Dying

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He's dead.

He's dead, and I could've stopped it.

I let him die.

He was an Alpha. How the hell were any of us going to survive if he didn't...

We can't do it, not without him.

"Hey, yo, Kara?" Stiles' voice pierced through my train of dark thoughts, and I blinked my eyes back open. "Still with me?"

"Yeah, sorry." I said distraught. "What's uh, what's the word?"

"Anachronism." Stiles said, scrolling though his ipad.

"Something that exists out of it's normal time." I said tiredly.

"Nice. Scott, next word, Incongruous." Stiles continued.

"Can you use it in a sentence?" He asked.

"Yes, Yes I can." Stiles said, somewhat annoyed. "It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened- Incongruous."

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott said in an extremely bored tone.

"Perfect. Okay, Kara, next word, um, Darach." Stiles says hopefully. "Darach, it's a noun... we have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for like, five hours, so why not?"

"Could you have waited at least five minutes after Derek died?" I asked numly.

"Leave her alone, Stiles." Scott told him.

"Okay, fine. Next word, Intransigent." Stiles goes back to his ipad. I try to sit up just a little more, keeping my legs straight across the seat. The movement making me wince in pain.

"Stubborn, obstinate- Ah!" I answered, the bus going over something in the road, bouncing me on the seat. I clutch my stomach, trying not to scream out loud in the crowded bus.

"Woah, Kara, you okay?" Scott asks. I grasp the seat tightly, exhaling.

"We shouldn't have come. I knew it- we shouldn't have come." Stiles complains.

"We had to." I said regaining my composure. I looked down to the front of the bus. I could see the back of Evan's head so clearly. After what happened last night there was no way I was letting him out of my sight.

"There's safety in numbers." Scott points out.

"Yeah, well there's also death in numbers. It's called a massacre- or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's-"

I slowly start blocking out what he's saying, and I feel myself slouching down further in the seat. Closing my eyes just for a moment.

"All right, Kara, I'm telling Coach that-" I heard Scott say, starting to stand up.

"No. no, no, no." I shook my head, sitting back up. "I'm all right."

"Well, you don't look all right. Would you just let us see it?" Stiles says, reaching over to move my jacket. I quickly block him, pulling my jacket tighter around it.

"Just let us see it, okay?" Scott asked more considerately.

After a moment I gave in, nodding slowly. I sighed, moving slightly to lift up my shirt. Revealing the bloody claw marks going up my abdomen.

"Kara-" Scott starts to speak but I cut him off.

"I know it's bad, but it's just cause they're from an Alpha. It'll heal." I assure him.

"Then how come Scott, Boyd and Isaac are fine?" Stiles asks, looking down the aisle towards the pair.

"Your voice isn't making it heal faster." I groaned. Coach blew his whistle at some kids, making me shut my eyes tightly. "Neither is that."

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