No One Likes Him

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I couldn't stop pacing around Derek's loft. We've come up with some pretty terrible ideas, but this one took the cake. This was borderline idiotic. Only an idiot would trust him.

"You know, I'm starting not to like this idea." Isaac says nervously. "Sounds kinda dangerous. You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I don't like him."

"No one likes him." I said walking back and forth.

"You'll be fine." Derek assures him.

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac asks.

"He knows how to do it, I don't." Derek counters. "It'd be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself.

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right?" Isaac asks him. "You know, personally, I'd- well, I'd trust Scott."

"Do you trust me?" Derek asks.

"Yeah." Isaac says. "I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him." Derek repeats my words.

The front door slides open, almost on cue. Peter looks over at us, pretending to have his feelings hurt. I tightened my fists just at the sight of him. I may have been less willing to kill him after learning how dangerous it was, but it didn't mean I was any less happy to see him. No amount of his 'help' would ever make me trust him. Let alone forget the image of him carving my throat out.

"Boys, girl." he nods over to me. I glare back at him silently, the image of him clawing out my throat still creeping in the back of my mind. "F.Y.I. yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities Somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So, I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face."

"We don't like you." Derek says, glaring at him. He slams shut the book he was reading and stands up. "Now shut up and help us."

"Fair enough." Peter says, then proceeding to flick out his claws.

Derek nods over to Isaac, who looks dreadfully at Peter's claws. Isaac walks over, sitting down on the chair Derek was on.

"Relax." Peter says walking over to him. "I'll get more out of you if you're calm."

"How do you know how to do this, again?" Isaac asks on the edge of the chair.

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by Alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice." Peter admires his claws, tracing a line down Isaac's neck. "One slip, and you could paralyze someone. Or kill them."

"You- you've had a lot of practice, though, right?" Isaac asks nervously.

"Well, I've never paralyzed someone." Peter tells him.

"Wait, does that mean that you-" Peter doesn't let Isaac finish his sentence, and Isaac lets out a sharp whimper as Peter inserts his claws into the back of Isaac's neck. Both of their eyes change color, and Isaac struggles against Peter's grip.

"Derek...." I said nervously.

"Wait, I see them!" Peter says. Peter's breathing starts to quicken pace, and Isaac continues to struggle. Another moment passes, and Peter releases his grip, pulling out his claws.

Isaac bends over in pain, putting a hand to the back of his neck. I kneel down next to him, making sure he was okay.

"What'd you see?" Derek demands.

"It was confusing.." Peter says shaking his head. "Um, i'm- images. Vague shapes."

"But you saw something." Derek insists.

"Isaac found them." Peter confirms.

"Erica and Boyd?" I asked hopefully.

"I barely saw them. I mean, glimpses." Peter says.

"But you did see them?" Derek says aggravated.


"Deucalion..." Derek says after a moment.

"He was talking to them." Peter continues. "Something about time running out."

"What does it mean?" Isaac asks.

"He's gonna kill them." Derek says.

"No, no, no, no." Peter says. "He did make them a promise, that by the full moon that they'd both be dead."

"The next full moon?" I asked. That was...

"Tomorrow night..." Peter nods.

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