Crazy Bitch

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Dozens of parents and students were packed into the auditorium. I was hoping there wouldn't be that many people, but as it turned out, this was a memorial concert for all the recent murders. It was a nice sentiment, but it just made things more complicated.

Scott and I stood in the back as people were still coming in. I nodded over to my Dad, who was near the front, monitoring the crowd. I didn't want him involved, but we needed help. Real help. But I didn't tell him we were the next targets. Not yet at least. One problem at a time.

I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. Then I saw Lydia approaching us. "I thought you were going home?" Scott asked with a confused expression.

"I can't." She shook her head. "I don't know why I am the one that keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if I just stopped trying to fight it, I'd find them before it happens, maybe with enough time for someone like you guys to do something about it."

"You get me the time, and I'll do something about it." Scott promises. "I swear to god, I will."

Lydia nods, before walking to find a seat somewhere. The concert started, the orchestra playing some classical piece. I did my best to block it out, focusing on the other sounds around me. Staying alert.

A few minutes passed before I noticed Allison, Isaac and Argent quietly slipping through the doors. "What are they doing here?" I nudged Scott. They glanced over at us, before walking around the perimeter of the room.

"I called them, figured we could use all the help we could get." Scott explains.

I nodded understandingly, before returning my focus on the crowd. I noticed up ahead, Evan sitting in the audience. Damn it, I didn't know he was here. I looked around the room, Lydia nowhere in sight.

"I'm gonna be right back." I said turning to Scott. "Keep an eye on my brother, please."

Scott nodded, and I headed out into the dark hallways. I caught her scent and followed it towards the front of the building. I turned another corner, and I saw her walking slowly down the hallway.

"Lydia." I called her, making her turn. "Where are you going?"

"Aiden, he texted me. Said he needed to talk." She explained.

"Okay, then I'm coming with you." I told her, she looked at me with an annoyed expression. "You are a human sacrifice magnet, I am not leaving you alone."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes, then continued down the hall.

She turned, leading us into a dark classroom. We walked in cautiously, there didn't seem to be anyone in here. "So, where is he?" I asked, turning back to Lydia.

"Look out!" Lydia shrieked, her eyes going wide.

I had no time to react, I felt a painful crack to the back of my skull. Making me fall to the ground. I heard Lydia screaming, but I couldn't even lift my head.

When I finally managed to open my eyes, I was no longer lying on the floor. I was sitting upright, a painful stinging sensation radiating my wrists, and mouth. I looked around, starting to hyperventilate.

I could see my hands were tied down to a chair, the skin around the ropes completely raw. Wolfsbane, I thought. I could feel a cloth tied around my head, covering my mouth. It too soaked in wolfsbane. Just a small breath felt like I was inhaling shards of glass.

I lifted my head, and I could see someone crouched next to Lydia, who was also tied to a chair. "What... are you doing?" I managed to ask, making my lips burn.

The person looked up, and I saw her face. It was Mrs. Blake. "What's necessary." She said.

"I'm still surprised none of you seem to get that." She shook her head. "You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil."

"Crazy bitch..." I said, wincing from the pain that followed. She was the Darach. I looked at her hands, that were tying something. It looked like a garate.

"Stop..." Lydia pleaded.

"Oh, I wish I could." Mrs. Blake told her. "But you don't know the Alphas like I do."

She stood up, walking behind Lydia. I tried to move, but every time I tried, the pain was too unbearable. "Please, stop..." Lydia continued to plead with her.

"But you Lydia, you're not a sacrifice. You're just a girl who knows too much." She told her. I fought harder against the restraints, but it was no use. Lydia started whimpering, as Mrs. Blake put the garate around her throat.

I screamed against the cloth in my mouth, hoping Scott, anyone, would hear me. But without my super hearing, I could hear the orchestra playing so clearly. No one would hear us...

I thought they wouldn't, until Lydia let out a blood curdling scream. I would've covered my ears if my hands weren't tied down, making the pain all the worse. Once she stopped, Mrs. Blake stopped choking her, looking down at her face in amazement.

"Unbelievable..." She said in awe. "You have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman... A Banshee, right before my eyes."

What the hell was a Banshee? And how did she know about it?

"You're just like me, Lydia." Mrs. Blake said. "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It's too bad, though... and too late."

Lydia's eyes pooled with tears, as she went behind her again. Lydia gasped out, as she tightened the garate.

"Aghh!" I screamed again, fighting against the ropes keeping me down. But she pulled out a large knife, putting up to Lydia's neck.

"Drop it!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked over, seeing my Dad, the Sheriff and Scott in the doorway. Both their guns pointed at her. I looked back, Mrs. Blake throwing the knife towards them.

"No!" I cried out, watching helplessly as the knife lodged itself in my father's shoulder. He fell to the ground, the Sheriff trying to help him, but she threw another dagger. Slicing against his leg, making him fall to the ground as well.

Scott lunged at her with his claws, and she dodged him almost effortlessly. Then slamming her palm into his chest, sending him flying back into several desks.

"Scott!" I cried out.

"Kara!" I heard another voice coming from the doorway, and I saw Stiles and Evan there. Jennifer threw her arm towards them, the door shut, and a large desk moved in front of it. Evan and Stiles began throwing themselves against the door.

The Sheriff managed to pick up his gun, pointing it at her. "There was a girl, years ago, we found her in the woods, her face and body slashed apart. That was you wasn't it?"

Jennifer stepped closer to him and my father. "Maybe I should've started with Philosophers, with knowledge and strategy."

She stepped closer to them, and Stilinski shot a bullet into her leg. She looked surprised, but it didn't seem to affect her at all.

"Healers..." She said grabbing him up by his neck, and pushing him against the desks. "Warriors..." She ripped his badge off him, crushing it. "Guardians..." Then tossing the badge to the ground. "Virgins..."

I looked back, Stiles and Evan managing to open the door slightly, the desk still in place. I heard a loud shattering noise, and looked back.

They were gone. Jennifer, the Sheriff, and my Dad.... they were gone.

Stiles and Evan ran in, finally prying the door open, but Stiles looked around panicked, his dad nowhere in sight. I moaned, pulling against the restraints. Scott finally got up, him and Evan coming to me.

"Don't!" I tried to warn Scott who reached for the ropes. Scott's hand touched it, then pulled it away sharply. "Wolfsbane..."

Scott looked to Evan, who grabbed the ropes, ripping them off. Then carefully removing the one around my mouth.

"I'm sorry..." I cried. "I tried to stop her... she took them."

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