Seeing her for the first time

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Bradley can still to this day remember the first time he saw Lady Gaga. It was on a benefit show for cancer and she was on stage singing la vie en rose while he was in the audience with his girlfriend that at the time was pregnant with their first daughter. Of course he had heard of Lady Gaga before, but all he new about her was that she sang outrageous songs and is a pretty wild person, that's it. But to se a woman on stage, with a very light makeup, her hair simple and down and a beautiful pink dress singing with the most beautiful voice he ever heard, caught him completely off guard. He did not expect to see a pop artist sing her heart out a French song, like it was something she was very used to doing. It amazed him. He can't tell why, but the moment she stopped singing and got a standing ovation, he knew, somehow he just new that lady gaga had to be on his movie. He had been looking for singers to take on the role as ally, and both Beyonce and Christina Aguilera were considered to do the part, but here, standing up applauding after an spectacular performance, he knew that his search was over: he found Lady Gaga.

  A few more performances were made after Gaga's and after they were over and once Bradley and Irina were at home, he called his manager and asked him if he could arrange a meeting between him and lady Gaga. He then told him what it was about and the manager said he would do everything in his power to do it, and infact, he did. Two hours later, he called Bradley and said that she would be available in within three days for a meeting at her house and Bradley immediately said yes, confirming it. The manager then send him her address over a text message saying that she was available around 5 PM.

   After he hung up, Bradley was so excited to meet Lady Gaga, but at the same time a bit afraid to ask her to be on his movie and hear a "No" as an answer.

   Nevertheless, here he was three days latter ringing the bell to her house, after the security let him in the main gate. It took a while for her to open the door and he was starting to get at little nervous. Two minutes latter, she opens the door wearing simply a pair of jeans and a white shirt, and her hair was down and a bit messy and  she immediately smiles, a big smile that made him a bit confused, but soon she said:

   -Hi! Come on in - she went to the side and while saying hello to her, Bradley entered her house. It was everything the opposite he had imagined it to be. In his mind, it would be a very colorful or even all black environment, with a lot of character and drama, but what he saw was different. It was mainly white and grey, with a little bit of light brown that made the house so homy and cosy that he instantly felt comfortable.

   They walked into the living room and they sat on the couch with a reasonable space between them.

   -What's up? - she said still smiling. He looked into her eyes and said:

   -Well, basically I saw you a few days ago in a concert and immediately felt that my search was over - Bradley said and a funny look appeard on her face.

   -W-What do you mean?

   He chuckled and said:

   -I have a project for a movie and I have been looking for a long time for someone to be the lead actress, and after I saw you perform, I just knew this person had to be you.

   She was lost of words for a few seconds but then said:

   -Are you serious? - her smile returned to her face

   -I'm pretty serious  - he said smiling at her reaction -So... Are you in?

   -Y-Yeah... I mean - she runs a hand through her hair -Of course I'm in, are you kidding? - both their smiles were so big that it could be seen from behind.

   -Oh, I'm so happy. You got me worried there for a second

   -You really thought I was gonna let this opportunity pass?

   -Oh you never know... - he laughed

   -So, what's this film about?

   -It talks about...- he was interrupted by Lady Gaga, saying out of the blue:
   -Are you hungry?

   -Pardon? - Bradley watched as she started to stand up.

   -I think you're hungry, are you? - she said standing up in front of him.

   -Yeah, actually I'm am - he laughed a bit. This situation had everything to be awkward, but somehow with Lady Gaga it wasn't.

   -Come on, I'll make us something - with that being said, the both of them ended up in her kitchen.

   -How do you feel about pasta? - she said looking inside the fridge

   -As a good Italian American I love pasta - by now he was leaning on the kitchen counter while looking at her.

   -That makes two of us then - she said with a glass container in her hand whilst closing the white fridge.

   -Are you Italian as well?

   -Yepp - she opened the microwave and put the food inside.

   -What a coincidence

   -I know right? - she now went to get the plates and everything they needed.

    Soon the pasta was ready and they both ate at her dinning table, talking about the film while doing it. Bradley told her everything about it that he could think of: he told her about the band, the songs that they would have to create, the other actors, the plot of the movie and that kind of stuff. After they were done eating, Bradley helped her get the plates, cups, forks and knives back to the kitchen. When he offered to help her with the dishes, she said that he didn't have to worry about that, that she would do it latter.

   They headed back to the living room and that's when he saw a piano at the corner of the room, and he had a crazy idea:

   -Hey, can I sing a song with you? - he asked turning to look at her face.

To be continued...

Hope you guys like this chapter. I'll try to post twice a week. Leave a comment telling me if you liked it :)

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