Chapter 9

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By the time Niall finished X-factor the boys Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn made there group name 1D short for One Direction. The boys walked into the school doors and the girls went crazy. I was obviously crazy over Niall but I bet he still didn’t know.

‘Oh no here comes Rhianna like the usual’.

'Hello boys care to join me’ Rhianna said hoping they would come.

‘No way we have heard a lot about you’ Harry said in a chilled voice. I saw Rhianna staring at me with her mean staring eyes. Well I seriously did not tell them anything about her to them I swear I hope you believe me. Niall and the boys walked passed me and Niall winked at me I giggled inside I covered my cheeks and ran outside.

Maddy started walking up to me with tears down her cheeks.

‘Ah Hayley if you don’t want to talk to me I understand but I know what Rhianna is planning to do and I also have some news’ Maddy said in a teary voice.

‘Is this one of Rhianna’s plans cause it’s what I think it is’.

'I swear It’s not, when Niall broke up with Rhianna it’s because he likes you. I couldn’t believe what she was said but I had to hear it.

‘and that Rhianna is trying to make you look bad so she can take the boys’. I had to be friends with Maddy I had no choice so I went to our room to plan something out.

‘Okay I’ve got an idea keep on being friends with Rhianna. Find out what things she’s going to do to me then, we can find out how I can avoid it’.

‘Good idea let’s go’ Maddy said in a happy voice. I sat on the tables and waited for Maddy to show up. Before she showed up the ‘1D’ group started surrounding me on the table.

‘Hey do you want to hang out with us, Hayley’ Niall said in a cool voice. My heart started beating so fast I didn’t know if I should wait for Maddy or go with them.

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