Chapter 20

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I was 21 now and my life was different

I'm sitting in the car thinking why he's never returned to me and I wanted to see him again.

My ex- boyfriend was, Niall James Horan

I haven't seen him ever since he left he hasn't came back when he said he would.

Well some fanfics have weird stuff like they fall pregnant never see then again and sign up for tickets or something and go meet him again but I hope this is something different.

Well I got a better idea.

"You don't know your beautiful oh oh" 

I was listening to a one direction song, I'm not lying on my bed with earphones, I'm at a 1D concert.

I was right up front, I was over him but I really still liked the amazing songs they performed so I thought it'll be nice for me and my best friend Maddy to have a little bit of fun.

"Ok guys I want the whole front row to come meet us backstage!" Louis screams out

Oh oh I didn't expect this to happen, what a turn of events! I don't want to meet them ...

The people behind us pushed us and shoved so that we would be able to be quick so they could meet them, I was sure hoping this was a quick meet.

"Hey..." Niall looked at me with puppy dog eyes

" ah hi" I replied back looking down on the ground.

Maddy stared at Niall getting upset for him, obviously she wanted me and Niall to be together again.

I kept on looking down cause I didn't want to look at him again cause all ill do is fall for him and it's hard.

I felt his warm arms lift my chin and he started to get closer to me and all of a sudden he kissed me.

This is the story of how me and my ex got back together.

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