Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning thinking about that photo that was under my bed. Then I lifted up my pillow and it was GONE! where could it have went it's not like someone could of picked me up and took the picture that was under my bed.IT CAN'T BE PUT AROUND THE SCHOOL!.

I'm freaking out! I don't think I'll survive if this photo was put around the school. Okay Okay I agree with you I am overreacting alright.I walked out of my cabin and saw that silly girl, Rhianna talking to my boy Niall.Then all of a sudden Niall turned around and winked at me.I started blushing I couldn't help it.

I walked off to the dining room and looked around. pictures just a lot of decorations wait a minute...have I missed something cause it seemed like I have. The room was full of lights and red everywhere it was like some type of ball or disco or something. Then I turned to the other girls and boys and they were all dressed up in fancy cloths.

I ran to Maddy and said 'what is going on.

Maddy replied 'well it's the school ball tonight did you forget oh and there's a present on the bed for you it doesn't have a name on it though and I bought a costume for you hanging in the closet'

Sooooooooo... I went back into my room and without looking in the wardrobe I first checked on the present. I checked on my bed and I found as Maddy said a wrapped up present for ME! I felt so special anyway.

I opened the present and it was my X-boyfriends Necklace on the bed.I was starting to freak out. Look the picture and the necklace thingy isn't a very pleasant think to see at this stage of life you know what it feels like to think that your X-boyfriend is stalking you. Well anyway time for the ball.

The One That Got Away {Niall Horan Fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora