Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Heath snorted and patted his friend's shoulder. It was his turn to announce yet another burn from me.

"Stop harassing Raven, guys." Vexx's voice called from behind the guys.

"Well if it isn't Snape's knight to the rescue." Heath announced.

"I don't think she needs a knight to rescue her. She's able to take care of herself." Vexx told them.

I stood there proudly, but I had to say something.

"And I don't think I need someone to speak for me either, Vexx. I can speak for myself." I told him.

"Damn I keep forgetting that she's the brave lady who never needs help and is never scared of anything." Kaspar said.

"Who says I'm not scared of anything?" I asked him.

The boys all exchanged glances with each other.

"Okay then, Snape? What are you afraid of?" Heath asked.

I thought for a moment. I was afraid of werewolves, but that wasn't the answer they were expecting. I looked down at my wand. What did they want to hear? I gave the wand a small flick.

She's going to say something rational like a dangerous animal or something. Heath thought. I gave the wand another flick.

I bet it's like death. She's going to say death and I'm going to be disappointed. Cullen thought. I flicked the wand for the last time.

She's doesn't have a lot of friends. She kind of avoids large groups as much as she can unless she's bragging about herself or showing off in front of the class like our first charms class of the year. Kaspar thought.

Then it struck me. I knew of one thing that would surprise them.

"I'm afraid of being by myself. I'm scared of ending up alone." I told them.

They all looked at me like it was as if I was lying or something.

"It's true. I find and commit to one person in return for their commitment. That is their way of promising not to leave me alone. Which is why I have Vexx everywhere I go around here. Without him, I'll admit, I am afraid because something in my brain tells me that I have been abandoned and left alone with no one to turn to." I explained.

They were all dumbfounded. It made me laugh at them.

"Don't all of you look so perplexed." I laughed.

"Even though you're a cold person who beats people until they're broken and next to dead, you're still afraid of being alone?" A girl's voice asked from the stairs.

I looked over to see Elizabeth. She had just recently gotten her arm out of the sling after I lost my temper for the second time.

"So I've messed up, get over it." I snapped at her.

"You are an evil little maggot!" She yelled at me, storming over to the group.

"That's my attempt at an apology, take it or leave it." I said flatly, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not going to miss you over the break." She glared.

"Is that what you came to tell me? Because I couldn't care less if you're going to miss me or not." I hissed at her.

"I wasn't planning on saying anything, but then I heard that you're afraid of something and I had to butt in. That's what we do right? We butt in on other people's private business?" She asked me.

"Don't provoke me, Cane, or I bloody swear to Merlin." I threatened.

"Do you do that in Britain too? You do something wrong, someone tries to get the proper disciplinary act and then they get told that they remember things wrong because they 'hit their head'?" She asked angrily.

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