36|There's a Mummy on Main Street Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Sorry" Josie said pulling out her headphones I wish I brought some she was smart "Josie you can not leave me along with just them for company" Lizzie instructed once again trying to control Josie "well I get car sick if I don't listen to music so" Josie told Lizzie putting her headphones back in and then all hell breaks loose Lizzie goes for Josie and Josie defends herself while Hope was in the middle all of them yelling "girls there's no reason to be tense or awkward ok, now knock it off we're going to get through this together, god help us all" Ric yelled getting everyone to calm down and Kaleb and I looked at each other think the same thing "whoop road trip" we saying before bumping fist laugh quietly.

6 Hour Montage

A basic run down of our six hours in the car and let me tell you it was horrendous it was filled with eating, complain, lots of punch buggy, singing, Josie getting sick, even more singing and lots more complaining never will I go on a road trip with this group of people again I couldn't and I wouldn't

Maple Hallows

When we hit the town Ric told us all to split up team 1 was Josie, Lizzie, Hope and I and team 2 was Ric, Emma and poor poor Kaleb being stuck with the adult's while Josie, Hope and I were talking to people trying to find out as much as possible Lizzie was just sitting around I mean this town was boring nothing was going on with it like nothing it was just a super boring old town that was no fun.

"Fun fact this town has the biggest ball of yarn in the country" Josie started and Hope and I just looked extremely bored out of our minds "and nobodies seen anything" she finished causing us to sigh in disappointment "this isn't exactly a hot spot of activity our hopes of finding anything are going up in smoke" Lizzie said while giving Hope and I a look what the look meant I have no clue but it was a look "wait are you passively aggressively referring to the fire that happened in Faith and I's dorm room 3 years ago" Hope said and it all made sense now but why would she be bringing that up.

"You mean the one you two set on purpose to sabotage our spring break trip with our dad, no Hope why would I talk about that" Lizzie said and I started to get mad this was ridiculous "are you serious Lizzie dude you've lost it" I told her "the only think we lost was a week of quality family time dad had to cancel the trip to deal with the damage so mission accomplished" Lizzie said causing Hope and I to give Lizzie a look "you guys are just talking about ancient history -- ow something stung me" Josie said as we look over to see her lifting up her sleeve as we see some boil thing all of us being disgusted.

I started to hear the sound of screams and buzzing in the distance and see a whole bunch of insects flying around like hundreds of them "this is plaguey right it seems plaguey" Hope asked us and we see all the kids running away getting as far as possible "it's plaguey" Josie ans I say while running inside the building getting away from everything.

Hope opened the door and we saw a bunch of dead hornets on the ground as we step out hearing a sickening crunch "we need to find your dad" Hope suggest and I nodded in agreement Ric would always get us out of the hard situations "this way" Hope tells us and Josie and I follow Lizzie staying behind "does this way take us pass the fire station" Lizzie says throwing another dig about the fire our way "oh my god we barely just survived a biblical plague for the last time we didn't start that fire and we've never ruined a spring break" Hope told Lizzie defending the both of us "yeah Lizzie now's not the time" Josie said and I listened to her heartbeat picking up in speed so I pulled her back while Lizzie and Hope continued having a go at each other.

"What do you know Josie" I asked looking as her with a firm look and I could see she was getting nervous "I don't know what you're talking about Faith" she replied and I heard her heartbeat speed up " you're lying" I said and she looked shocked for a moment before staying composed again "that is something I never thought you would do Josie lie" I told her not mad but disappointed.

"Alright enough guys Josie's boil has officially grown a boil" I say in disgust all of us muttering words of disgust as well "pick up the pace Mikaelson, Armani my sister needs" Lizzie starts as we turn a corner seeing a long line of people and some others in hazmat suits guiding those people onto buses "medical attention" Lizzie finished as we looked quite shocked.

FEMA Recovery Center

Hope, Alaric, Emma, Josie, Lizzie and I were in the massive tent getting signed in or something and I really didn't care I just wanted out of here "I don't get it the locals that we meet said they hadn't seen anything, which means that the first time of trouble happened after we got here" Hope said as Alaric, Emma and I were listening "how did these people get here before the bugs" Emma asked "I don't know who they are but they are to prepared, organized and well equipped for some random incident" Alaric said basically confirming our suspicions that this wasn't a random hit.

We walk up to the lady who is signing everyone in "you together" the lady asked us "yeah, you know we just came in from Roanoke to see that giant ball of yarn you guys have" Alaric said and then the lady looked at us kids "and these are" she asked "this is my wife Emma, these are my daughters from my first marriage, Faith here is one of my daughters girlfriend and Kaleb here is" Alaric starting creating an interesting family dynamic "my boyfriend" the twins says at the same time "hey when you're good you're good" Kaleb said "I guess is true what they say about twins they really do like to share" I say chuckling at my joke on to get a glare from the twins making me stop.

The lady allowed us to walk in and as Hope and I walk past we happened to see the guys that was at the crime scene back in fort valley when we were looking for Landon so I turned to Hope "was that" I asked as Hope nodded "I think so" she replied "we gotta tell Ric" I tell her and we walk over to get a drink which was were Ric was.

"Don't look but that guy was outside of Seylah's house with the fake gas leak" Hope said of course when told not to look he looks "she said not to look" I whispered and he looks away "what's he doing here" Hope asked what we were all wondering "I don't know probably trying to do the same thing we were trying to cover things up there are groups like this scattered across the globe probably tracking the same activity we were" Alaric says as I look up to see a few guys piling stuff into a car "awful lot of artillery to" I said as then Hope and Ric follow my gaze.

"Dr Saltzman there gear" Hope says pointing out a guy holding flippers "they're here for the urn" Ric says coming to a conclusion "Dorian" Hope and I both say realising that he was still out there either with the urn or looking for the urn.

Hope and I look over to see Alaric talking to the guy form Kansas and the twins clearly see it as well "hey who is that guys" Josie asked us "this creep we meet in Kansas when you guys we're in Europe" Hope tells them "why were you in Kansas, oh wait let me guess it involved you insinuating yourself into a situation were only you could be the hero" Lizzie said and I groan so sick of the constant arguments today "as a matter a fact, yeah" Hope said "I swear to go you will do anything to get attention" Lizzie said making me mad so I lowly growled getting Lizzie's attention.

"Said the narcissist" I growled at her and put my head in my hands trying to calm down and Hope rubbed the back of my neck calming me down "said the other narcissists" Lizzie said as her big come back "ok guys can we please just stop" Josie said trying to drop this "ok fine you know what maybe we were jealous, maybe we wanted what you had a simple day with our family, we lost half of our stuff in that fire including the only painting I made with my dad and Faith's father's ring was completely destroyed, why would we do that to each other" Hope said and for the first time today Lizzie was speechless.

Author's Note

Alright guys here it is, to be honest I was doing an assignment and I thought I had already posted it, I'm so sorry again!

Lots of apologies on my behalf but none the less its up and with each chapter I upload I can feel the end getting near!!!!

Trust me when I say this you won't expect the ending!

Till next time!!

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