Chapter 41

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Sora had became Aoi’s errand-ah pui!-right hand man. And currently had had an important job to do, and that is to hand the newly acquired information to Dr Sotaru from his Boss, Little Blue - ah pui!- Aoi sama.

And so, Sora used the underground tunnel to reach Naruto's territory faster in where he meet up a green haired boy discussing something with a silver haired girl.

The girl seemed to sense Sota approaching so she shrugged and patted the green haired boy’s shoulder and disappeared in a swirl of cold winds and snowflake.

“Yuki chan! I already told you to now scatter snow just about everywhere!” Thorm huffed as he took out a shovel out of nowhere and began shovelling the snow on the bucket nearby.

“Excuse me” Sora called out making the green haired teen around his age look at his direction.

“Uh...hi, my name is Yuki Sora, I am looking for Dr Sotaru’s office” Sora said

Thorm nodded with a bright smile.

“So you're looking for Sotaru otouto. Yeah, he's in his office. Follow me” Thorm began leading the way

“I'm Thorm Jown by the way, nice to meet you” Thorm held out his hand, Sora nodded and shook his hand.

“Hurry now, the files you are about to deliver to Otouto is urgent” Thorm pointed out, Sora only nodded and followed the green haired youth.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya had managed to convince Minato and Kushina to let their children train with him for three years. Minato was confident with his Sensei’s skills, it's just that he's a pervert and that he feared that his children will be corruptef by his habits…. Kushina will definately have his head when that happens.

With that thought, Minato shuddered.

“Bye my sweet children! Don't forget to write to me’ ttebane!” Kushina waved and wiped the tears from her eyes

“It's okay Kushina chan, it will be alright” Minato smiled and patted on Kushina’s shoulder.

“Minato…. Is it possible for me to see Naruto?” Kushina suddenly brought up this subject.

“If he permitted us, then maybe yes” Minato answered after a few moments of silence.

“Then I want to see him… I-I k-kinda miss him ttebane. I am sure you and our children have as well. Although years have went by and we avoided the subject of our sons disappearance, we can't help but miss him ttebane….. After-After all, it was our neglection that drove him away” Kushina wept, Minato pulled his wife to his arms.

“I am aware that it was our fault. However, I never doubted Naruto for a second. I saw myself in him. And I believe you saw it too. He will achieve great things even without our help. Naruto is a genius, although I am aware that our actions definitely hurt him but I am sure he understood the situation. Just as they say, we may be parents but we are Shinobi first. With Naruto's brilliant mind, he would be able to comprehend that we are doing this not out of favouritism but for the safety of our people and our family. I know that he understood that” Minato said

‘I know it must be hard for Naruto, he is a child after all but forced to adapt in the situation. Really, this is quite sad and heartbreaking’ Minato thought

“Though I don't quite understand as to why he left without a word but I  proud of him and his achievement that he was ale to obtain even without his parent's guidance. That is something, and as expected, he was meant for great things” Minato said, Kushina only nodded


With Naruto…..

He read the files that  Sora sent him.

'Akatsuki is on the move and after the Jinchuurikis? Hmm, this is quite a surprising news. They are already powerful as they are but collecting Tailed Beast, they are asking for the world. How ambitious' Naruto tossed the files on the table before he sighed, he grabbed a scroll and began writing in it before letting the ink dry, he tied it on a messenger bird

“Thorm aniki, would you please send this bird out to Suna, preferably to the council and to sand siblings” Naruto said, Thorm nodded

“Okay, I'm on it” Thorm nodded and carried the bird gently and out of the room

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in…. “ Naruto called out

The door opened and revealed Sasuke. Naruto raised a brow, seeing the younger Uchiha in the room.

“What is it that you want? “ Naruto asked, Sasuke looked t Naruto before he opened his mouth.

“I want to learn Medical Ninjutsu and study to become your apprentice.” Sasuke said bluntly, Naruto almost choked his saliva

“I'm sorry, what?”

“I said, I want to study to be your Deciple. I want to become a Medical Ninja” Sasuke said

Naruto looked at Sasuke for a moment.

“Why?” Naruto crossed his arms and leaned on his chair

“I want to help my brother. Medical Ninja is a difficult profession and they are value throughout the land. I am aware that I am marked as a Missing Nin with no hope of going back to Konoha without the council taking advantage of me” Sasuke said

Naruto knows his intention but did not bother to exploit it as it is Sasuke's business.

Naruto stared at Sasuke for a moment.

“Fine then. But be warned. My training will be like going to hell and back, it will be difficult but I won't even let you rest until everything is marked on your bones until you do it subconsciously… Will you still go through it?” Naruto asked, Sasuke nodded


“...Training begins tomorrow at 5 am” Naruto smirked, this sent a chill running on Sasuke’s spine

‘What the hell did I signed up for?’ Sasuke sweat dropped.

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