Chapter 26

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"Oh yeah, that's my brother" Yuki grinned widely as Naruto walked next to her, they high fived.

"May Sabaku no Kankuro and Aburame Shino come down" Hayate announced, Kankuro held his hand up

"Proctor, I admit defeat" Kankuro said loudly

"Wuss" Yuki taunted

The Wuss, "...💢💢💢💢" 'Think fighting an Aburame is another day at the beach!?! Not everyone is a chakra powerhouse like you!'

"Yamero" Naruto sighed as pinched Yuki's cheeks.

"Aburame Shino wins!" Hayate held his hand up

"You have no respect to your opponent, Kankuro san. I don't think it's good that you won't give him any face. Either you are too strong or too weak, at least give him a fight. Both of you are clan heirs, at least have a dignity of being one. Your actions represent your clan and village, giving up without a fight I don't know if I should call that cowardice or just being smart not to offend people whom have the more advantage than you" Naruto commented, Kankuro scowled and he turned his head to the side.

"Of course I am not degrading you Aburame san, I find your Clan able to control bugs facinating" Naruto said, Shino nodded in acknowledgement.

"To receive praise from you is an honour, Sotaru san. Why? Because you rarely praise someone" Shino responded.

"Hm" Naruto nodded, he liked Shino. He know how to mind his fucking business and not antagonise him, unlike his other idiotic teammate who keep saying he was looking girly.

The Idiotic Teammate, "....achoo!...." 'Someone is talking about me?' Kiba wondered

"Next Round.... Subaku no Temari and Nara Shikamaru, please come down the stage!" Hayate called out.

"How troublesome.... I want to give up" Shikamaru said

Temari got annoyed by this.

"Have you been pay attention what that kid with a rabbit said? Think I am too weak is that it!? Or you think it's bellow you to go fight against me!?!?" Temari scorned

Menma elbowed Shikamaru and pointed at the crowd where Yoshino was. The Nara Matriarch was standing and shaking her fist in the air.

"NARA SHIKAMARU!!! DARE YOU BE LAZY RIGHT NOW AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!!" Yoshino sermonized while shaking her fist, daring her son to give up cause he's too lazy.

"Women are troublesome" Shikamaru murmured as he went down to the stairs, taking his sweet time to get there, irking Temari even more.

"The only people I don't want to fight in this exams is Yuki and Shikamaru" Naruto revealed as he stroke Snowball's fur.

Where did the bunny came from?

The answer is escaping from Kaze and Hajime's watch after his match. The bunny has a special ability to track down his owner to seek for comfort.

"...... Shikamaru? That lazy ass?" Narumi laughed as if it was the most funniest joke she had ever heard.

"I don't think it's very funny. Naras are famous for being smart and their Intelligence is something one must be on guard of. Are you that of a simpleton to not know of this?" Yuki taunted, laughing as she did so.

"You have the chakra and stamina needed to out last just about anyone, but without a functional brain under your skull it's useless. If you are all brawns without brain then you are nothing but a servant to those whose intelligence is higher than yours. Why? Attacking you with words and playing with you physiologically, you will be easily manupilated. That goes well with the Yamanaka clan. If the current Heiress knew how to use her clan's specialty to her advantage and be more ruthless rather than chase a boy all day long, then there is no way that she wouldn't have us all down to the ground with our brains turns to mush before we can even utter 'I Quit'" Naruto said

"That's why it's a good thing that we only have to deal with a Nara. Having a serious and ruthless Yamanaka among us would most likely asking for being brainwashed or have your brain fried" Yuki resumed with a smile

Ino heard this, she was surprised. She then turned to her father.

"Daddy, is it true?" Ino asked, Inoichi smiled grimly and nodded

"Oh" Ino looked down on her hands before she glanced at Yuki and Naruto.

'I want to be strong too like her.' Ino thought, referring to Yuki 'She is always carefree and do what she please, no one can stop her or bully her because of how she was able to shut their complaints with her capabilities. Ino wanted to be like that kind of person, feared and respected, exactly like Tsunade sama.' Ino felt determination surged and sparked.

'I want to uphold my Clan Honor' Ino thought and clenched her fist in determination.

"Subaku no Temari vs Nara Shikamaru...." Hayate announced as he brought his hand up

"Ready....." Temari went to her stance and gripped on her fan.

Her guard was up to its max, after hearing Naruto's peep talk, no way she'll underestimate this lazy bastard in front of her.

"Set...." Shikamaru was alert too when Temari already spread her fan open.

'Oh great, she will come at me with full force. This is such a drag. I want to sleep or watch the clouds not dealing with this troublesome woman' Shikamaru complains.

"Fight!" Hayate brought his hand down in a chopping motion and jumped back.

Temari wasted no time and wanted to create distance between her and Shikamaru.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" Temari called and swung her fan forward, catching Shikamaru off guard, sending him flying back because of the sudden attack.

Nope, that was out if his calculation, okay?

Although that technique was very common to Wind Users, being ranked C as both defence and and offence. Temari was still a genin and by Modern Era estimations, a child still.

'I only knew and mastered a few wind techniques. I think its enough to deal with this annoying lazy bastard' Temari thought and gripped on her fan more.

"Wind Release: Blade Dance!" Temari swung her fan forwards.

Gust of wind that took forms of arc like appearance and looked extremely sharp despite not being solid.

Shikamaru coldly sweat.

'Yep, I take cloud watching than dealing with this anytime of the day' Shikamaru thought as he jumped and dodged, although his arm wasn't able to avoid in time so he got wounded.

"Geez that hurts, Violent woman!" Shikamaru complained as he clutched his wound.

"Then take me seriously if you don't want to die!" Temari scoffed.

"Fine then. The faster I deal with you, the faster I get to sleep" Shikamaru said, seriously

'I won't be able to deal with her much longer in case of bloodloss' Shimaru though before he pulled out a roll of bandage from his pouch and dodged the wind blades, he swiftly and skillfully wrapped the wound on his shoulder

'Time to deal with this troublesome blonde girl' Shikamaru thought before he began to formulate his plan.

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