Chapter 8

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Naruto felt that he stood out way to much. But he was too lazy to walk.

And so, he had to bear the bewildered stares from the people and squeals from the girls. Really annoying.

After being lead to the stable by Team Kurenai, Sotaru handed his horse and paid the man, petting the horse on its snout.

"I'll see you later, Nana chan" Naruto hummed as he took out an apple from his satchel and handed it to his horse, Nana chan, whom was eager to ate it.

Naruto then left the stable. He walked over to Team Kurenai.

"Please, Shinobi san, lead the way" Naruto said, motioning his hand like a gentleman.

Kurenai nodded and beggining to lead the way.

Naruto keep up with them, though he felt more eyes on him, eyes that did not belong to civilians.

Most probably ANBUs and a few curious Shinobis.

Naruto was lead by Team Kurenai to the Hokage's office. Many Shinobis were surprised. Already back after two days?

"Hokage sama?" Kurenai knocked on the door

"Come in" Minato's voice gave permission.

Kurenai opened the door and entered.

'This is it. Behind these doors.... My family is waiting... But they would be able to recognise me, finding me familiar but unable to recognised their neglected family member' Naruto thought as he took a deep breath before entering the room.

Naruto surveyed the room. Naruto found his mother and siblings on the sofa, the Third Hokage and Jiraiya whom stood behind Minato.

Team Kurenai payed their respects and reported.

"You guys sure do move fast" Jiraiya commented

"I meet them halfway through the journey" Naruto corrected.

"My name is Sotaru, I am the representative of Pleasure Village and compete in the Chuunin Selection Exams under its name banner. A pleasure to meet you, Fourth Hokage sama, Third Hokage sama.... And Perverted Sage" Naruto said formally

"You! I told you to not call me that!" Jiraiya yelled in indignation, a red pulsing vein pop up on his forehead.

"Why are you so offended, Ero Sennin? Isn't it true? You're even shameless enough to claim you're a super pervert, why refusing wearing the name bestowed and forged only for you?" Naruto raised a brow.

"You brat!" Jiraiya yelled, pointing his finger at Naruto, another pulsing vein pop out.

"This brat you are pointing is your benefactor. Had it not been for me, you would have died from being poisoned to death. Which poison did it come from I wonder? The Prostitute House' Women's Bathhouse or the Pleasure Village's Women's Bathhouse? Either way, you would not have received such blow if you keep your lecherous eyes and habits from women in such matter. If you don't have money then what is the use of lingering in the Village?" Naruto mocked.

Jiraiya's eye lid twitched. He held in his anger and took a few deep breaths.

"Bwuahahahaha! Serves you right your pervert! Got beaten by a child, ttebane!" Kushina laughed, holding her belly and pointing at Jiraiya

"Quite interesting, you are Doctor. I have heard of you from the Shinobis gossips" Hiruzen chuckled in amusement

"....... Third Hokage sama praises me too much. I dare not take such praises in fear of inflating my head" Naruto shook his head.

Minato's eyes fized on Naruto. Making Naruto feel uneasy.

Minato had the suspicion in his eyes.

This made Naruto frowned inwardly.

'His responses and expression.... Are like Naruto' s. Specially the way he placed a nickname on Jiraiya Sensei. Jiraiya Sensei noticed it too. Normally, he would not let anyone call him in such ridiculous name other than my children, that is why he was displeased that this child, this stranger call him in such familiar way.... Could it be... Naruto?' Minato thought, his eyes flashed and his senses flared.

Naruto was alarmed when Minato spread his chakra to try and probe him. Blue chakra was emitting from Minato, his unruly golden lock floating. His eyes held hope and anxiousness. Kushina seemed to get the hint as well and flared herself. Because of being the Kyuubi Jinchuurikis, some of its chakra blended into her own, thus her chakra color is purple.

Menma and Narumi as well as the Team Kurenai wer confused with the sudden chakra spike. Jiraiya followed along and glared his chakra as well.

'Yuki!' Naruto called in panic

His chakra may be somewhat changed but its still developing in such changes. If it was only Minato then he can succeed, however, with Kushina and Jiraiya joining in, he'd be found out, thus he needed Yuki's assistance.

'Got it, relax. Fix your expression!' Yuki said, Naruto calm down.

The familiar cold sensation rushed into Naruto chakra pathway and into his own body. Like jumping in the Arctic Ocean. Freaking freezing.

Naruto emitted navy blue chakra, trying to place a facade that he was resisting the three Veteran Shinobi's probing. And slowly openinging. Kushina found a gap and entered. Minato and Jiraiya joined as well, probing into Naruto's system. They were disappointed to find out that it's not whom they are looking for.

Anoyed by three moving foreign chakra in his System, Naruto decided to forcefully throw them out. Naruto flared his chakra even more, causing ice to spread underneath his feet, the room to grown dimmer. Ice and frost covered the room, free falling snow fell from Naruto's figure.

Everyone was surprised by this.

An Ice User?

Not surprising because of how cold his chakra felt. Must be a bloodline limit. The three were deeply disappointed.

Naruto felt relieved before fury surge within him.

"Very rude. Not only did I was forcefully join in this Exams without my consent, get any decent welcome, I was also molested. In the end, who is the more vurglar one. My village or yours?" Naruto sneered.

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