Chapter 23

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Naruto stood outside the balcony, he did not mind as Neji walked over and stood beside him.

Silence passed between the both of them.

"Are you ready to go back? The  final round is in a week and a half" Naruto said

"Yes. I still need to train. But I doubt I could beat you" Neji said, Naruto only chuckled

"True, however, can you really stand the fact that you would accept defeat without a fight?" Naruto asked

Neji stayed in silence.

"Thank you" Neji said

"I didn't do it just for you, you know" Naruto said after a few moments of silence

"I know" Neji nodded

"I want the secrets on the Cage Bird Seal. That seal is peculiar. I am afraid, you and your clan has not realised its true potential. I wish to study it" Naruto said, Neji frowned but he sighed

"It's not like I have anything to lose" Neji saidthe next morning, after saying goodbye to Hizadhi, they started heading back. Naruto placed a seal on the door, the same talisman.

After opening it, he entered followed by Yuki, Itachi, and Shisui.

Neji was perplexed on how the closer was able to fit them all inside without getting cramped. Sighing, Neji entered as well and closed the door behind him.

Neji stared blankly at the sight. He went back and opened the door only to find a janitor's closet.

"Let's go" Naruto called before they head out of the hotel from a nearby village of Konoha.

"Why not appearing directly inside Konoha walls?" Shisui asked

"I can't. The seal had already stretch to its limits" Naruto lied smoothly

Shisui nodded hearing the response while Yuki rolled her eyes.

To be honest have no obligation to tell the Konoha Shinobi. Else they would add a new discovery to report.

Besides, Naruto is cautious of Danzo and his ROOT. Danzo is someone who is not afraid and a highly shameless old fossil.

"I fucking called it" Naruto gritted his teeth when he was summoned by the Konoha council.

"Hahahaha!" Yuki laughed at Naruto's misfortune, laughing so hard as she clutched her belly and pointed at Naruto.

"I don't think it's very funny" Naruto said

"You dug a hole yourself, so you patch it up yourself" Yuki laughed

"Forced logic" Naruto scoffed, Yuki only laughed at him

Naruto headtowards the Konoha council, on the way, he bump into Shisui.

"Sorry, they had a Yamanaka searched out memories" Shisui whispered before he acted as if nothing happened, Naruto get why he was like that.

They are being watched. Both ANBU and ROOT.

Entering the Council Room. Naruto strutted inside.

"Good morning" Naruto coldly greeted

"Ah, good morning to you too, Mr Sotaru. How is your day" Minato greeted

Naruto did not give him any face. He went straight to the point.

"What do you want" Naruto coldly demand.

"What a rude child!" Koharu exclaimed

"You are the rude one! Sorry for being blunt but who summons someone at 3 in the morning!?" Naruto sneered




".... Let's go straight to the point. Hand over the Raijin no Ken" Danzo said

Naruto gave a sneer

"I have won it in an auction. What? You want to Rob me of it? You want it, then come and pay for it. 10 billion yen" Naruto shamelessly demanded

Chouza almost choked the coffee he was drinking. 10 BILLION!?!?!

"Outrageous!" One of the civilian council yelled.

"And who gave you the right to speak up for a Shinobi matter? A Civilian Council has no right to speak up unless it has something to do with the economy. On what grounds do you have to give your opinion?" Naruto shoot his glare to the presumptuous banshee.

So early in the morning yet she was screaming? What? Want them all to lose their hearing!?

"How dare you talk to me in such manner!"

"I Dare myself to tell the truth? Why? Dissatisfied? Come and bite if you dare" Naruto challenged, raising his chin arrogantly.

The Civilian Council looked like they were about to spat out a mouthful of blood but held it in. Naruto scoffed as she sat down on a silver and blue like throne chair that appeared out of nowhere.

'Where did that come from?'

"Have your parents not teach you any manners!?" Koharu yelled

"My parents taught me nothing. What does thst have to do with you anyway?" Naruto scoffed as he took a sip on his tea.

'Where is he getting these things from??'

"Anyways.... About the Sword" Minato coughed behind his fist

"Konoha is inadequate to protect the Raijin no Ken. Isn't thst why it was lost in the first place? With the lacking and insufficient security is why the theif manage to slip through the cracks. It was sold in an auction and I want it so I bid for it. I bought it. Wither it was from your village or not but now I am the legal guardian on the Raijin no Ken is not yours to decided. I won it fair and square. If you want it, come and buy it. 10 billion yen" Naruto said calmly, taking another sip on his tea

"This brat...." everyone has to swallow their protest down to their throat at the words Naruto was spouting.

"Or are you planning to become like my village. Robing me, a child, of my property in public?" Naruto smiles knowingly

"I should remind you, Pleasure Village and Leaf Village are not allies to begin with. I am not one of your own Konoha Shinobi and Citizen to be tied down by your rules. You seemed to forget who I am." Naruto said as he took another long sip

"If so, then let me remind you. I am Doctor Sotaru, and I listened to no one" N Naruto said coldly

Ice and frost exploded from Naruto's body, covering the room in ice and coldly, a strong pressure befall to them, daring them all to come and contradict his words.

"Thank you for wasting my time on such manner. I wish you all have a bad day" Naruto stood up and the chair behind him crumbled and turned into a pile of snow

Naruto head towards the door and slammed it shut. Once it's closed the room turned back to normal.

"Hokage sama..... Just who is thst child? Is he even a child at all?" Shikaku frowned

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