Chapter 33

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Minato's chakra spiked and roared out, subduing everyone and making them silent, turning the room into chilling silence and freezing temperature dispute the scorching weather outside the room.

"All of you are acting like a bunch of uncivilised children. Let us be professional and be adults here." Minato said coldly, his tone held the unspoken words of 'Disobey me and let's see if I won't Rasengan you into next week'

"I am aware of this situation that was buzzing for almost 2 weeks. The revelation of Dr Sotaru's true identity as my lost son, Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, is quite shocking. Yes, I am aware that he had affiliated with another village that was a sanctuary for Missing Nins, however, Naruto had been only a civilian and a child in the past when he ran away or abducted or whatever the cause of his disappearance. However, we have no right to forcefully make him come back to our village" Minato said as she stared at the people around coldly

"We cannot brand him as a traitor as well as he was still a child. He held a significant importance to the Leader of the Pleasure Village, thus we cannot touch him. Not to mention his strong foothold in the Elemental Nation and Missing Nins backing him up. Suna as well. Konoha currently is lacking on allies of Pleasure Village would launch an attack. As you all know, that village is not simple, it's backing and power goes more beyond that." Minato said as he leaned forward and rested his head on his hands, propping his elbows on the table, his bangs casted a shadow on his now frosty cold blue eyes that held authority and power.

"Other Villages, specifically Iwagakure and Kumogakure will take this as a chance to bring him on their side, however, as even I did not interact much with Naruto, I am aware of his intelligence and calculativeness." Minato said with a hint of pride in his voice

"He won't risk it." Minato enforced it with a firm, trust and certainty in his voice, Aura and expression

"Pleasure Village won't risk it. Specially if the one in disadvantage is their side" Minato said before shooting his glare on Danzo

"And as for the Raijin no Ken, I see no problem him keeping it. After all, it is a family heirloom that chooses its on who will be its rightful Master and unleashed it potential to its maximum. Naturally, he shall have the right to wield the sword. Not to mention, it was our own force's lack of vigilance and security measures that it was stolen in the first place. Peaceful time is not an excuse" Minato said

"But Hokage sama! Would it be more better if he and the Pleasure village in our side? You are his father, naturally, a son must listen to his parents!" The civilian, Haruno, protested

The Shinobi side looked at him with incredulous looks. 'Is he stupid?'

"I have no right to use my name as his Father to call back Naruto. After all, I am not ashame to admit that I have neglect him for training my other kids for better control and grasp on the Kyuubi. I am a father, however I was a Kage first. As a leader, one must make a difficult choice, the Village comes first. If I am neglectful to him, what right do I have to call him back to the place he did not see as his home village?" Minato raised a brow as if saying 'This is true common sense, why can't you understand that?'

The Clan Heads nodded in agreement, it was true, they knew that and experienced that themselves, which leads to their Heirs and Heiress to seemed to have been emotionally stunted or have a pit in their brains. They are parents but they are clan heads first, so naturally their Clans go first.

After more discussion, which was Minato doing most with his terrifying and heavy pressure on those whom wanted to spoke out their nonsense and illogical words. The meeting as adjourned.

Minato sat on his chair in his office. He looked at the photo in his desk. More specifically, the smiling blonde he once knew and compared it to the one he currently knew. A sigh escaped his lips.

"I really did failed as a father" Minato said bitterly as he looked out of the window.


Naruto smirked as his clone that was spying in the Hokage tower pop out and relayed the information on him.

He couldn't deny the fact. Minato was a great Shinobi, efficient Kage, and a great soldier, however he was a shitty dad.

But who could blame Minato? He was an orphan as well without a father figure to set an example on him, raised to be a child soldier and fought in the war. Naturally, Minato had noticed Naruto's intelligence and his high IQ level and an automatic response in his mind that Naruto did not need much guidance as his other siblings. That Naruto could grow splendidly and strong like he had. This mindset worked on Kushina was well, being too young to separate from her parents, too young to remember their love and care.

So Naruto really did not blame them for their neglect nor feel any resentment. It has long since faded.

Just like what Minato said 'They are parents but they are Shinobi, soldiers, first'

So Naruto could still find in his heart to forgive him. They are the same to begin with, it's just that Naruto's potential had flourished with Yuki's care and thus he bloomed earlier than expected.

Naruto could really forgive his family, he really did not blame them, it's just that he was not ready yet.

As intelligent as he was, he was still a child that time and has yet to see the world. But now that he had look it into more than one perspective, this was reasonable.

Naruto bet that if he would have a child, most likely he would subconsciously follow Minato's example.

Though he had to admit, being praised by one of the Most Greatest Shinobi to ever walk int he Elemental Nation and his father really made him feel delight. This made Naruto want to accomplish more, to gain more approval.

Naruto could never hate that man.

Naruto was Minato's son, and Minato was Naruto's father. That goes to his mother as well. No matter how much his Emotional Side keeps telling him to hate him, his Rational Side steps in and kick that thought away and insisted that no matter how hard he try, they are still his parents.

He may be Doctor Sotaru but he was Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto first.

This can never be changed.

It was a primal instincts for the son to seek approval from their father. It's just instinct and its hard to shake off and ignore. Even Yuki gave her agreement to that matter.

Try as Naruto wanted to hide it but he had yearned for the praises from his parents. Hence the reason why he was showing off these past few years and even more so in Konoha, but he was being a Tsundere about it.

Covering his thought with layers and layers of walls and making himself believe such childish mindset.

But can he really fool himself any further?

The answer is simple.


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