Chapter 25

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"Moving on to the next round! Sotaru vs Hyuuga Neji!" Hayate declared, the crowd cheered.

Sotaru walked with Neji side by side towards the center.

"I am wearing surpressors on. Take this as an advantage to put on a show" Naruto told Neji, this made the Hyuuga stop

"What?" Neji frowned

Although Ninjas are infamous of doing underhanded ways, this is not what Neji wanted.

"I am too skilled for you or any of the Genins, that includes Gaara. Do you think, that after showing off what I can do, Konoha will let my village off? They won't. At most, they would pressure us into agreeing an alliance. This is not what I joined for. But I tell you one thing, if you want to win, use all of your tricks. Not that it would make a disffirence but at the very least, it will gain you more respect and admiration, if you want your father to safely entered the Clan Compound, pave a way for him. Having a Cage Bird Seal or not, as long as the Public opinions leans on you, you'll be able to subdue the main branch" Naruto said before he continue in walking.

Neji stood there for a while before he followed Naruto down.

Reaching the in the middle of the arena. A one sided stare down occurred. Naruto was leasurely taking out a blue fan with a symbol of a Chinese dragon on it from his sleeves. He opened the fan and began fanning himself gently. As if he was a Young Master from Ancient Chinese Era that somehow manage to hop in Japan/Elemental Nation.

"So cool" The Fangirl's swooned.

"I still think he's very girly" Kiba added, only to be beaten up by said Fangirl's.

"K-Kiba kun, I t-think it's b-best to shut up" Hinata suggested, Kiba rubbed his bruised cheek.

"He never learns" Ino scoffed as she shook her fist to Kiba's direction.

"Ready?" Hayate called

Neji tensed up and was on guard. Naruto still stood there fanning himself and looking at the sky. Really laid back and very calm, as if the fall of Mount Fuji would shake him at all.

"....." 'HEY, hey, hey! If you are confidently strong, at least tone it down a little, it's making your opponent and the proctor awkward, okay?' Hayate sighed

"Set....." Hayate turned to Neji and nodded

Neji shifted to his Gentle Fist stance.

"Go!" Hayate jump back.

Neji sprinted towards Naruto, entended to finish this fight in one hit. Neji knew, that as the fight dragged longer, the lesser his chance of defeat Sotaru.


"Who do you think is better? The Byakugan kid or that Teleportation kid?" Kankuro asked, for the fun of it.

"No matter where the kid in with the fan teleport, the Hyuuga has 360 degrees vision. If he can manupilatr it to his favour, the Doctor will go down" Temari shrugged

"You guys are wrong. The fate of the fighters are leady been decided" Yuki said

"There is no way the Hyuuga can defeat my brother. Hyuuga know the chakra system, but my brother is a Doctor, he knows acupuncture better than the Hyuuga Clan Prodigy. This fight is over" Yuki smirked

"Hey! Neji can win, ya know!" Narumi defended

"Which is better? Tenketsu closed but can still fight? Or tenketsu open but the body can't move? Other is you can still fight with Taijutsu while the other you're a sitting duck. Think, you fool" Yuki snickered, mocking Narumi's intellegence

This made Narumi fumed in anger and embarrassment.

"How could I knew that!? I am not a doctor! Is it bad to support a comrade!?" Narumi scoffed

"It's not, however, you should know the full capabilities of the one you support and his opponent. If you blindly throw your money and lose, not only do you feel disappointed, the one you supported will feel like they let you down." Yuki said before she shifted her gaze on Menma

"Its best if you do it silently, and not broadcast it live  isn't that how the Hyuuga Heiress fell? Not only did she attained severe internal injuries, but also her pride and reputation took a nose dive from the hill. Its great to encourage someone to do their best and gave up when they knew they can do it and only throw away their life mindlessly. Give up and live for another day to train hard and try again. You may be giving up but at the same time you're not. It's showing your fighting spirit, determination, and persistent to keep on fighting until the challenge is over come. No need to jump into the Shinigami's stomach." Yuki said before she turned to the fight

Naruto avoided Neji's strikes. Naruto closed his fan shut to use it to blocked Neji's assault on his chakra tenketsu.

When almost got nicked. Naruto opened his fan and swung it forward, a string gust of wind sent Neji flying back. Naruto shit his fan closed. She smirked as he pushed his bang away from his face only for it to come back on the same position.

"Are you done yet?" Naruto asked, calm and cool as a cucumber from the fridge

Before Neji could reply, the fan on Naruto's hand glowed blue and Neji could see a few glints on it. Hidden weapon. It's probably senbons!

Naruto opened his hand, however, it doesn't look like a fan at all. In both sides, the fan was covered with needles, neatly arranged needles! It's like the fan is made of needles.

Naruto jump into the air, soaring straight up for a few meters until the level of the roof in the audience. Hair and clothes fluttering as the sun shined down on him. He looked very ethereal.

That is after the words came out of his mouth.

"Shower of Needles!" Naruto smirked and swung his fan forward, he keep doing that as wave after wave of senbons headed towards Neji, it almost covered the whole arena.

Hayate even jumped to safety.

Everyone was on edge as the senbon whizzed towards Neji.

On the last second. Neji made his decision. Shifting into a stance. The stance made Haishi's eyes widen in shock.

"Gentle Fist: Rotation!" pure chakra like dome appeared around Neji as he spun around.

Deflecting the attacks, but some managed to peairced through and hit him in the shoulder and leg.

When it was over and Neji stopped. He did not find Naruto anywhere.

"It's over" Naruto said calmly as he stood behind Neji, he had his fan on a reverse grip like how a typical ninja does when they succeeded on sneaking an attack behind.

"I admit defeat" Neji said nonchalantly, he had expected himself to lose anyways.

"Winner: Sotaru!" Hayate declared

Naruto snorted as he opened his fan, waving it as the needles charged over, waved by waved and entered the storage seal that was on the fan.

Naruto then shut it closed before heading back to the stairs.


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