Chapter seven

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Everyone froze. I knew that singing. Monika. She was here somewhere. She had nearly killed Brizzy and Cupquake. And she was here to finish the job.

You could see fear clearly on everyone's face, but no one looked as scared as Mike. He's played this game and mods for this game more than any of us have. And I don't think any of the games went very well if Monika was in them...

There were three other doki doki girls that we could have run into. Three. Doki. Doki. Girls. We could have run into Sayori, Natsuki, even Yuri would be preferable. But no. We just had to run into Monika.

She stood feet from us. She was wearing her school uniform, her brownish-pink hair pulled back into a ponytail, tied off with a baby blue ribbon. She had the creepy sleepy smile expression, and was looking at us with murder in her eyes.

The weird thing was, she was three-dimensional. Baldi was two-dimensional, as he was in his game. Why would Monika be 3-D, but not Baldi?

"Well, well, well..." Monika said, and we all just stood there. We couldn't run away from Monika like we could from Granny. She could probably track us down by hacking our cell phones or something. She began speaking again, and we just stood there like idiots. "Why are you all out here all alone?" She seemed to look at the girls with the utmost disgust, but when her gaze went to the boys, it softened.

Mike looked like he wanted to answer, but once he opened his mouth, nothing came out. You could tell that he was scared out of his mind.

And I, being the stupid teenager I am, decided to answer Monika.

"Um...nothing, really." I said, hiding Baldi's ruler behind my back. If she decided to get delete-y, I could use it as a weapon. Everyone turned to me, including Monika. Daggers from her eyes shot through me, as I finished my sentence. "We, um, got lost. We were just taking a nature hike." She didn't seem to be buying it, so I finish with, "we, um, aren't from around here..." I turn to the others. "Right, guys?" The YouTubers murmered their agreement awkwardly. Monika seemed to relax a bit, but I could tell that she still wasn't buying it. She looked at Mike and Think now, just staring at them, as if she was lost in a trance. All of a sudden, Wengie plucked the ruler from my hands. The pain in my stomach returned, but not as bad as the time I had been hit.

I thought that she was going to take Monika by surprise, as she had her back to me, Wengie, and Alex. But no. Wengie just brought the ruler in front of her, as you would see people do in movies right before they, um, made themselves go bye-bye. She brought the ruler up...she was going to hit herself!!! She was just staring forward, as if in a trance herself. I have a feeling that she didn't even know what she was doing. It was almost as if she was...possessed.

Thinking quickly, I smacked her hands, snatching the ruler from her. She instantly dropped down onto her knees, her hands on her forehead, moaning in agony. Monika turned around, a fire in her eyes. She was angry. I did the first thing that popped into my head. Swinging the ruler forward, I forced it at Monika. What should have been a direct hit only met air. Monika glitched out, coming up behind me. I whipped around, but not fast enough. She began to hack into my brain as if I were part of her game, manipulating me and overpowering my mind with glitches. I couldn't see two feet in front of me. Mike snatched the ruler from me before I could get any ideas, and I fell backwards, where Brizzy thankfully caught me. I waited for the woods to stop spinning again, and we all watched Mike. Monika was going easy on him; that is until she got all up in his face and put both hands on the ruler, trying to get it away from him.

"Come on, Mike. You know that we could have a great reality." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Give me the ruler and leave these stowaways. We can have a great future." Okay, first of all, how are we stowaways? If anything, Monika was a stowaway to us. No one asked her to be here.

Mike looked her square in the eye. "Lady," he started, you could see he was tensing; he was going to shove her off. "I'm. Married." He coldly said. That struck Monika with so much surprise that she loosened her grip on the ruler, allowing Mike to push her away, causing her to let go in the process. She quickly got on her feet, enraged, but she didn't see Mike's attack coming. My vision finally stopped spinning just when Mike swung the ruler like a baseball bat and hit Monika. As soon as the wooden ruler collided with her side, she erupted in a loud shriek, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust and a pink pen with a heart on the cap on the ground. Mike picked up the pen. It was his trophy for defeating Monika.

He then turned around and handed the ruler back to me, helping me up. We all looked at the pen in Mike's hand. When the pen and ruler were near each other, they would glow a certain way. There were words inscribed on the pen.

Each medal is specific. Seven are required to save the souls.

Save the souls? Medals? What were we in, Undertale? None of us entirely knew what it meant, but we knew it had something to do with the way the ruler and pen glowed. We held onto this clue as we journeyed through the forest, closer to the base.

Recording (a youtuber fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz