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"Kuso! Kuso! Kuso! Chikusho!"

As Ichigo furiously punch the poor stone wall of fury and frustration unleashing everywhere. Ada healing Ichiro, and Nozomi around the corner of the room. He growls and grabs Yoruichi's shirt, slamming her into the wall and glare hatefully into her very existence but she wasn't fazed by his murderous glare.

"Why?! Why did you call us to retreat without Ganju, Hanatarou and Rukia?! I'm the one who can most likely defeat that scumbag! Now, Ganju, Hanatarou and Rukia will all be killed!"

"Don't be so full of yourself. Not a single person there could have survive against Byakuya." Yoruichi dryly said, angering Ichigo to the level his face is now blood red.

"You bitch!"

"Certainly, there was no one there at that moment who held a possibility of defeating Byakuya. But you, alone, do hold that possibility. You were able to land many blows and keep up with him. That's why Kisuke planned if you were able to used Bankai, imagine how powerful you can get if you learn Bankai!"

Ichigo's anger calmed down and he drop Yoruichi. "Not to mention, Ukitake was also there. He is Rukia's immediate commanding officer and a duty-bound man. I know he wouldn't recklessly kill anyone who'd come to save Rukia even if they are enemies. So do not worry, Ichigo. Stay here and become stronger than you are now. As you are now, you cannot defeat Byakuya other than injure him. But I will train so that you can defeat him. And once more, save everyone at once by your own hand."

After a brief silence, Ichigo agreed and they went down underground. When they arrive with Ada still healing both Ichiro and Nozomi she didn't come, Ichigo notice the this training ground is similar to that of Urahara's.

"How are feeling now?"

"Much better than before, actually. But I can fight through the pain." Ichigo replied, as Yoruichi smirked and fold her arms over her chest.

"That's my student."

"Student?" Ichigo look around the huge cavern. "Odd. It feels like I've been here before." He said.

"You're the first stranger to be let in here. Amazing, isn't it?"

"Whatever." He pulls both his dual blades. "There's no time, right? Let's get started already."

Yoruichi smiled. "Alright. But, let me first ask you, have you realized that your Zanpakuto is a full-time released form like Ichiro's?" Yoruichi asked. Ichigo nodded and look at his dual blades.

"Zanryuga told me about it. Shikai, Bankai. How Bankai boosted your powers a lot and all." Ichigo bluntly said, as Yoruichi sweat drop and he could heard his Hollow screaming at him of how an idiot he is, saying that his explanation was as clueless as he thought it is.

"Well, whatever. It requires ten years of training, even for talented people, to achieve Bankai."

"Where is she going with this conversation...?"

"We're going to cheat this way. I'm going to make you achieve Bankai in three days!"


"How is this possible?"

Ichigo ignore the screams of shock from Shiro inside his head, and look at Yoruichi with surprise shimmering his eyes. Yoruichi around around a corner and pick something up and head back to where she stands "What... is that weird looking doll?" Ichigo asked

"This is a Tenshintai. It is one of the Onmitsukido's most essential specialized spirit tools. It can forcibly transcribe a Zanpakuto's main form and materialize it into our world. As you know, to acquire Shikai is dialogue and harmonization. In other words, as opposed to you going into the Zanpakuto's inner world, Bankai requires the Zanpakuto's materialization and submission. Materialization refers to as calling the Zanpakuto into our world. Normally, several years of training are required for this, but you were able to defeat Zaraki Kenpachi and won without losing consiousness until you faints from the exhaustion and pain after fighting against the Traitors and got new injuries from them. It is conceivable that you've already reached materialization or an equivalent level."

New Life, New Beginning | Sequel to the Misfortune ChampionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя