"Hey, Ichiro?"

"Yeah, Ichigo?"

"Is it weird that our Japanese name is literally the same? Replace "r" with "g" and here you have it." Corvus, or Ichigo said, sweat dropping, as Ichiro sighs and sweat drop.

"I dunno. If people suspect we are brothers, then I'm done for in the end of the day..."


Ichigo Corvus Wulfram took out his phone out of his pocket, as he was downstairs, watching movies with Ichiro and Rukia, who is still happy that her younger brother is getting to know Japanese culture.


"Corvus, are you busy right now?"

"Hmm? Cynthia, why'd you me in the middle of the night, though?"

"Yeah about that. Umm... Do you... know... how to kill a Hollow?"

"Mm? Oh, just slice their head into half. Whhhhhy's that?"

"Oh, uh, hehehehe... I... am battling a smaller Hollow. I tried to kill it with my energy blasts, but it won't even made a scratch."

"You can see them?"

"Yeah, but Mars couldn't. Can you explain to me why I can see but Mars can't s— OH, CRAP NUGGETS!"


"Uhhh, Cynthia, hello?"

"*Coughs* We'll *coughs* talk later!"

The phone hung up the call, as Ichigo look at his phone in confusion and shrugged hi shoulders, putting his phone back into his pocket. "Hey, Rukia? Mind telling me more about Hollows?" Ichigo said, as she nodded and pull out a notebook and pen, and start drawing while explaining to him about Hollows.

"Do you have any questions, Ichigo otouto-sama?"

"Yeah, just one. Why is your drawing so..."


"... horrible?"

Her body exploded into bright red color, and uppercut him all the way to the ceiling, surprising Ichiro, as she pointed her finger at him in anger. "How dare insult my drawing, Otouto-sama?! I was in a very good mood because of you finally understanding Japanese cultures, but now I'm angry because you and Ichiro are the same! Bakayaro!" She screamed, and ran upstairs, as everyone in the house heard a loud slam, Karin and Yuzu came in as they look at Ichigo.

"Is Ichigo okay?"

"What happened?"

They could heard the muffling sounds from Ichigo, as they took note that he was trying to say them to get him out of the ceiling. And so, after they woke up and ate breakfast, Rukia was long gone after Yuzu said that Rukia had eaten breakfast and wore the Karakura uniform, and storm off when she asked what happened last night.

They reach back to Karakura High School, as they spotted Rukia, sitting alone in her desk, talking with a girl named Orihime. "Really! Kurosaki-kun is that soft?" She said in a surprise tone, as Rukia nodded and laughed, irritating Ichiro what she is saying to Orihime Inoue.

"Oi, the hell you're talking 'bout?!"

Suddenly, Rukia appeared in front of Ichiro, and "accidentally" elbowed his stomach, making him howl in pain and curl down, holding onto his stomach, as she "panicked" and grab Ichiro.

"Sorry, Orihime! Ichiro had eaten a lot of curry food last night, and he's having this very painful stomachache! Please tell the teachers that we skip classes because Ichiro has a awful stomachache!"

New Life, New Beginning | Sequel to the Misfortune ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now