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After a while of flying their way to Japan, Corvus hopped off Honchkrow, and recall his Dark and Flying-Type back to his Pokéball, and Rukia and Ichiro hop off Charizard, which Corvus returns him back to his Pokéball (also, everyone in Japan is speaking English, 'cause I feel weird when I think about it...).

"So, this is your house, huh?" Corvus said, as they were in front of Ichiro's house. "It looks nice. But, did you live alone, or...?"


A girl with brown chair came out of the door and hugged Ichiro, who ruffles her hair. "Hey, Yuzu." The girl smiled brightly, as another girl appeared with black hair.

"Hey, Karin."


A man send a flying kick to his head, sending Ichiro down to the ground with a groan, as a man with black hair and white coat look down at Ichiro who's legs is twitching in anger and annoyance.

"Dad, what the hell as that for?!"

"Your training is rusty, son! You should have seen that if you train even m—"

"IS THIS HOW YOU WELCOME BACK YOUR SON?!!!" Ichiro yelled furiously, and both Father and Son started to fight each other, as Corvus sweat drop and look at Rukia.

"Don't ask. This is what they usually do."

"I see..."

"And YOOOUUUU!" Ichiro's Dad tried to kick Corvus, who managed to block it with his hands, making him grunted in pain and knocked back a little.

"Good reflexes! I see Ichiro's friend is not as rusty as he is!"


"Ichiro, you might wanna calm down." Corvus said, as he sighs and grumbled angrily.

"Anyway. I'm Corvus Wulfram, Mr. Kurosaki."

"Hahaha! Pleasant meeting you, former Champion of Kanto! My name is Isshin Kurosaki."

"Eh? How did you know I—"

"It's all over the news, kiddo." Isshin said, before he started to comically cried out in sadness, holding a handkerchief on his hand and started to dramatically wiped his tears away.

"Damn it! Why did you have to retire, boy?! My wife would be extremely happy if you didn't retired!" Isshin shouted and slap the back of Corvus' back, causing him to winch in pain and grumbles.

"Well, sorry. But you didn't have to hit me..."

"Oh, and I see you have Rukia-chan with you, eh, Ichiro?" Isshin look at Rukia as she bows. "It's nice to see you again, Isshin."

"Hohoho! There's no need to bow, my girl! Although," He look at both Corvus and Rukia, and noticed the similarities of the two. They had the same black hair color, including their skin tone and purple eyes, but their appearance doesn't match the same, only his eyes, hair and skin are perfectly shown.

"Hmm. You two seemed to look the same as each other!"

"U-Uhh, that's because she's—"

"I know! She must be your girlfriend, huh?!"

Both Rukia and Corvus blushed, and facepalm, trying to hide their blush of embarrassment and Ichiro slap across his Dad's head. "Dad, what the hell is with you today?!"

"Ouch! I see your moves are not rusty after all! Let's eat dinner now!" Isshin then ran back into the house, as the two sisters sighed.

"I swear, how come he didn't know that me and Rukia are half-blooded brother and sister?" Corvus said, as Yuzu laughs sheepishly and Karin rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's Dad, all right!"

After a few hours later, Corvus had gotten his own room while Rukia went to hers, which is Ichiro's room's closet. He sighs and got up, and walk toward the mirror and look at himself. The new him.

"Huh. I guess that got rid of everything in the old me. My beard is gone. My voice is different. My hair isn't feather-like anymore but is now spiky like Ichiro's. My eyes is purple like Rukia's, including the skin tone. My bad luck power is replaced with a new one that hasn't been unlocked yet. And... Well, I don't look similar to Mom anymore. But at least I have a half-blood Sister!"

"Hey, Corvus! We got two Hollows around the town." He opens the door with a normal look, as Rukia's fist collided with his face, his Shinigami body coming out of his body and groans.

"Could you at least warn me?!"

"Well, I'll try."

"Ugh. Go and went to your Shinigami body."

"I can't."

Corvus look at her in confusion. "Why not?" He asked, as Rukia points at him with her index finger.

"Because, when you turn into a Shinigami, I meant to gave you half of my power, but instead, all of my power were poured all into you. It'll take me a full 4 months to fully recover all my energy, and this gigai isn't that strong anyway, so I'm pretty helpless."

"Oi, you two! Hurry up." Ichiro called out, already in his Shinigami form, and jump out of the window.

"We'll talk later. But for now, focus on eliminating the Hollows."


Corvus place back his weapon into the sheath, as the upper body of the Hollow falls down and its entire body soon crumbled into black smokes. "Well, that makes three kill for me." He said, as Ichiro had finished off a Hollow with his nameless Zanpakuto.

"Tch. Well, they're a piece of cake anyway. Let's back to my house. Since school is starting tomorrow."

New Life, New Beginning | Sequel to the Misfortune ChampionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon