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Corvus had join in the Shinigami in their journey of defeated Team Rocket or whatever! Or, he thought he would be stopping Team Rocket with his sister and her friends.

"Uhh, guys? What are we doing for sure?" Corvus asked, his voice is now cleaner and a bit deep.

"Damn it, Ichiro! This is why we shouldn't always relied on each other!" Rukia shouted, as both she and Ichro was having an argument, which is a thing for them because of their first encounter.

"Well, then lead us, Miss Do-Whatever-I-Want!"

"Shut up, you delinquent!"

"You, too, you spoiled brat!"

"I'm more older than you, kid!"

"Yet, you look and sound like a kid!"

"Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"Are they always like this...?" Corvus asked to the nearest person next to him, Anna.

"Sometime, new recruit."


"Ehem! Greetings." The two stop arguing and look up to the skies, including everyone else. "I wish if you all can come to my palace now."

"Sure, Arceus. Eni—" Ichiro was cut off, when Corvus had created a portal already, and everyone look at him in surprise. "Oh... You know how to speak "Divine Portal Summoning" in divine language?"


"I guess your brother is pretty amazing, eh, Rukia?"

"Whatever, Rei."

Everyone walk inside the portal and appeared in front of Arceus. "So what did you call us for, Arc?" Corvus asked, as Arceus let out a small chuckle and look down at Corvus.

"My, I see you have become a Shinigami like Rukia." He said. Corvus nodded as Rukia pulled out a red fingerless glove with a skull and black and blue flame symbol on it, putting it on her right hand and punch Corvus' face, making him cried out in pain and his Shinigami form came out of his body, his real body collapsed.

"Y-Yuuup... Ouch..."

"I call you all seven Shinigami here because it's time for you to rest." Arceus said sternly. "You see. Mewtwo had told me that Team Rocket is stopping their operations for now, because of the suddenly recent sightings of many man-made Hollows appearing around the world. This would suggest that either this was Darkthus doing, or perhaps, Team Rocket. Since we don't know how they can made Hollows, where they reside, who their creator is."

The Shinigami look at each other, and nodded in agreement, since they had come a long way of defeating Team Rocket's bases because of the Soutaichou's orders, and could used some rest if thier Taichous agreed.

"We will asked if our top Captains agreed."

"I already ask them. They said they agreed, because he was just about to call you all to rest before things will be shorted out." Arceus said. "Have fun with your rest, my friends."

Corvus and the others walk out of the portal, and sighs, as Corvus went back to his Soul body, and got up. "Great. Now what?" He asked, looking at Rukia and the others, who pondered at the ideas about their resting.

"How about we spilt up and have our own ways!" Anna said, slamming her fist into the palm. "I mean, we can go to Hawaii, or Thailand together."

"I think I'll take my rest on Japan." Everyone look at Corvus in confusion, as he shrugged his shoulders up. "Haven't been there before, and I might give it a shot."

"We're going to Japan, too." Rukia said, with Ichiro nodding his head. "That's the place where Ichiro lives, and we can take part of his high school!"

'... what?' The word "high school" echoed throughout his entire head, as he stood silently, a deadpan look on his face and he collapsed backward.

"Can I at least say "no"? I never been through a school before."

"Were you homeschooled?" Rei asked, Corvus thumbs up and sighs.

"Well, what're you going to do with your rest, Corvus? You wouldn't want your sister to died in her Gigai body that has no powers because you took it all. Honestly, you would miserably died by you fought against a bigger, and stronger Hollows without my advice." Rukia said sarcastically, irritating Corvus and stood up, glaring at her.

"Fine! I'll become a student, or whatever you called!"

"That's my baby brother."

"Shut it off, dorkhead!"

"Why are we arguing again?!"

"I don't know!"

"You don't know, you short pipsqueak?!"

"And you, trashcan?!"

Everyone sweat drop at the two half-blood brother and sister arguing like how Rukia and Ichiro always argued, as they stopped arguing and everyone froze when Rukia said...


Rukia blushed at her sudden, and sexual outburst, as Corvus blushed, too. "Sorry, we'll stop our rocky relationship..." She apologized, and Corvus nodded. 'Oh, boy. If she weren't my sister, I would probably asked Cynthia for some advice...'

"And what about you guys?" Rukia asked, turning to her friends.

"Oh, we're going back to Soul Society." Takashi said, much to Anna's disappointment. "I need to fill in Aizen-taichou's paperwork."

"Ok, then. See you guys soon." She waved them goodbye, including Corvus and Ichiro, as they waved back and a gate appeared, it opened and they walk inside as the door closed and disappear.

"Well, are we ready?" Corvus asked, looking at Ichiro and Rukia, who nodded, as Corvus sends out his Charizard, and look at two Shinigami.


"In Soul Society, we have a lot of low-class Legendaries, and rare Pokémon in our world. But we don't really used Pokémon to assist us, or capture them, so the only Pokémon I have with me is a... well, none of them." Rukia said, as Corvus' jaw hit the ground.

"Yeah, both me and Rukia really don't care about getting a Pokémon for ourselves, or anything. We always do the old-fashioned way." Ichiro said, grinning sheepishly and Corvus sighs, and sends out his Honchkrow.

"Fine, I'll take my Honchkrow and you two take my Charizard." Corvus said and hop on Honchkrow, the two followed on Charizard, as they flew off to Japan.

"Huh. I wonder how Cynthia and Mars are doing?"

Meanwhile, Mars sighs in exhaustion and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her finger, wearing a stripeless sports bra, black leggings and red shoes. "Darn it, Cynthia. Can you lay off with the energy blasts?" She asked, annoyance inside her tone, as Cynthia laughs and was wearing a black tank top, white pants and brown boots.


"Ugh, you're such a jerk..."

"Duh. I mean, if your encounter back with Team Rocket, how are you going to protect yourself when you don't know how to fight and no one is with you?" Cynthia said, and sighs, before tossing Mars a bottle of water.

"Anyways, drink up and we'll start back training in 10 minutes."

"Fine, whatever."

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