After a while, Ichigo knock the last Shinigami out of consciousness with a kick, placing back Zanryuga back to where it was and turn around. "Since my reiatsu sensing had increased when I trained with Urahara, I guess I'll give it a try." Closing his eyes, and surprisingly backhanded punch a barely consious Shinigami, knocking him out.

"The one Ichiro was battling had disappear. Not dead, 'cause he is now carried or walk to another place. Nozomi and the others are doing fine." Opening his eyes, Ichigo turn around and took a few steps...


... and that's where his stomach growls.

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, adn patted his stomach. "Ah, crap. You're hangry already?" Sighing, he. took something out of his shihakusho, revealing to be a small hot dog wrapper.

"Thank Kami I brought a leftover before I go, or otherwise I would've starve to death."

Unfolding the wrapper, Ichigo began eating the hot dog while walking. 'So for so good, nothing will disturb my-" Suddenly, he heard yelling behind him. "... dinner."

Looking behind him, he saw a group of Shinigami chasing after him, some of them were the ones he knocked out, and some of the ones who just came. "Goddammit... Just... let me enjoy my food." Jumping atop of a roof, Ichigo quickly munch off his food and stare at the Shinigami.

"Come down here and died, Ryoka scum!"

Ichigo sighed and grabs the hilt of his Zanryuga. Suddenly, his eyes widened and turn around, blocking an incoming slash. "Nani?!" Looking up, he saw a woman with short hair, wearing a yellow obi.

"Are you the Ryoka?"

They backed away, as Ichigo clicks his tongue in annoyance, looking down and saw the shock looks on the Shinigami's faces.


"You fools. Let a Taichou handle this." Glaring at the Shinigami, they immediately left, leaving both of them alone. "Now, ask my questions later, Ryoka."

"And why should I?" Ichigo asked, more like taunting actually.

"Because this battle we'll be over in one minute."

"Don't get cocky, lady. I-"

"I am the 2th Division Taichou, Soi-Fon." Pointing her sword at him, she smirks. "Pleased to meet you. And goodbye."

Ichigo chuckles, and points Zanryuga at her. "I'm Kurotaiyo Ichigo. A Ryoka. Nice to meet ya, Soi-Fon." Ichigo said.

Suddenly, she disappear in the blink of an eye, Ichigo's eyes widened. 'Fast!' Blocking another slahs from behind, Ichigo struggles to overpower her Zanpakuto. "That's pretty quick! Did you used Shunpo?!"



Preparing a kick, Soi-Fon managed to block the kick with her hand and grabs his foot. 'Uh-oh...' She tosses him into the air, leaping up and attempts to slash him, only to be blocked and got kicked in the shoulder.

As they landed, Ichigo began to dodge all the swings Soi-Fon throws at him. Eventually, he realized he can't keep dodging after a swing got one strang of hair.

Ichigo then dodged her swing, and cocked his fist back and land a well uppercut at Soi-Fon, who grunts in pain and back away, wiping down bruise off her chin with an impressed look.

"Not bad! You managed to keep up with one of the fastest Taichous. But sadly, here's the demonstration when I used Shunpo."

Eyes widened again, Ichigo felt pain stabbing his left arm, he look down and saw blood dripping down his injured left hand. He look at Soi-Fon and noticed she was behind him, the tip of her Zanpakuto on his head.

New Life, New Beginning | Sequel to the Misfortune ChampionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant