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After a while, everyone had practice of learning how to form a barrier around them and now they were resting got tomorrow to hit the show.

While that is going on, a certain person with a fox smile, eyes closed, and silver hair is now in front of a huge door, as it opens and heard an elderly and strong voice.

"You've come. Taichou 3rd Division, Ichimaru Gin."

Gin walks inside the room. "What's all this? I suddenly get called in and come to find such a big ol' hoot'nanny. The Taichous who run Soul Society all gathered here for lil' old me? I guess not." Ichimaru said, and look around.

"I don't see the 13th Taichou. Did something happen?"

"He's on sick leave." A man with purple hair and dark skin said, Ichimaru flash a mocked concern look.

"Again? I hope he gets well."

"Quit joking around. You think that's why you've been called here?" Turning his head at the man with spiky hair. "Teme, I hear you went off on your own to play with some Ryoka. No to mention that fact you failed to finish them off. The hell's wrong with you? Someone with your skills wouldn't break a sweat over six or seven Ryoka."

Gin tilted his head. "Oh? They ain't dead?" Gin mocked.

"Nani?" Then, the silver-haired Taichou place his hand over the side of his head sheepishly.

"Well, I was sure they were dead. I guess my intuition got dull."

They heard a chuckle coming from a mad scientist.

"Cut the act. There's no way someone of Captain class wouldn't be able to sense if an opponent's pulse has disappeared."

"Here we go again..." said a Taichou who looks like a kid with white spiky hair. "Another foolish fight between dumb old guys."

"That ain't nice. It's like you're sayin' I let 'em go on purpose."

"That IS what I'm saying."

"Shut your mouth, Kurotsuchi! I'm talking with him right now." Then, the two glares at each other. "Or do you want me to kill you?"

"What was that?"

"How absurd." said a woman wirh a yellow obi.

"Yare, so hot-blooded." said a man with pink flower kimono.

"Stop that! How shameful." The Soutaichou, aka Yamamoto, chided, as the two went back to their spots. "But I suppose that exchange explains the reason you've been called here. Your recent independent actions and letting the targets escape." Then, he opens his eyes slightly. "How about it? Have you got any explanation, Ichimaru?"

"I do."

They look at him, and he raise his right hand up, showing his wrist being bandaged around. "One of the Ryoka got a nasty blow on me when I lowered my guard down. It was my absent-minded mistake that I let him cut me." Ichimaru said, and rubbed his head.

"Do you know who this Ryoka is?"

"Oh, he's a Kurotaiyo."

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise. "Yea, he's the son of the head of the that amazin' family. He seems so lonely that he got no family, I decided to spare him." Ichimaru joked, and the spiky-haired Taichou let out a bloodthirsty grin.

"Hehehehe. He got you? What's his name? Is he strong?"

"Kurotaiyo Ichigo."

"Hohoho... He'll be a wonderful experiment." Kurotsuchi said excitedly.

New Life, New Beginning | Sequel to the Misfortune ChampionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon