4- Movie night and gossips

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Amelia's POV

We took the cuppies out and begun digging in at the same time.Maddie placed the lasagne tray in the oven and set the time for the alarm to ring.We chose a sad romance movie,Me before you.

By the end of the movie ,we were all in tears.

'I can't believe all the unfair things had to happen to them,'I say.

'Love is shit ,Lia,' Ven says with blurry eyes.Maddie was the one who had it bad,she was thirty minutes after the movie and she was still crying.
We set the table for the three of us,I chose a pepsi while the two choose a fresh juice .We took the ice cream as dessert.

We finished the second movie which was comedy by 10:30pm .we were all tired to do anything and slept like there is no tommorow .

A strong smell of bacon prevaded my viscinity in the morning attracting us to the kitchen like a magnet. Brewed coffee and pamcakes were also served. Mom had prepared us some breakfast and we took the work of setting the table. We all then sat and started eating.

'So how was your movie night, girls?' My mom asks

'It was really great , Melissa.Thank you for having us.'Maddie says.

'Its nothing ,really.This is your home too,like I said.'

'Of course ,'I add with a smile.

'Mmhhh...this food is really nice. Melissa,it looks like you got magic hands and god bless you for that.'Ven says (as usual with the sugar coated words!

'I'm glad you could join us,'she says with a smile.

'Has Lia been granted permission for the trip?'Ven asks.This is when reality dawned,I haven't had time to talk about it with my Mom.

'Geez Ven,I was busy and was planning on tonight.Way to break the news,'I say as I roll my eyes.

'Which trip Amelia?'mom asks.

'Umm mom,its this trip the school organised for us.It is to Bahamas.For a first time,it patnered with Liberty high and North star high.Its for those graduating.'I say.

'Isn't it going to be crowded.I mean three schools?' She asks

'No cause the actually got a block for each school.And would only meet for Games and functions'

'Oowwhhh,do you want to go?'

Ven answers before I change my mind.'Yes she does,We thought we could go togather and have fun before We all start university and go opposite poles.But Only if you agree,Melissa.' She finishes with a smile.

'Okay,you can go.'

'Yay!'Maddie and Ven were literally shouting.

'Thank you, Melissa.'They say in unison.

'Anything for my girls. Make sure to be safe, you guys!'

After cleaning mom left for work as Maddie had to go home freshen,they were going to see their granny ,who wasn't keeping well. I officially started packing by arranging a list of my needed iteims for the trip.
It was 9:30 pm when Ven left.

It Was A Game Right?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin