20- First meeting ,last meeting.

9 6 1

Chaos is a friend of mine.

                                                   - Bob Dylan

Amelia's pov

I took a moment to contemplate what she was saying and after thinking a lot about it I decided to accept.' Umm I am not sure if this is okay doing it but someone needs to stop Him.'

'Yes you are so right. And no one could make this happen apart from you.' Maya says. She right away moves a bunch of paper from her bag before handing it to me.

'You can take a close look at it and read through it before we sign it.' She informs me.

'Is this really necessary?' I ask. We could just have it in our minds and get done with it sooner.

'Yeah it's just for confidential purposes.' I go through it and stop on the fifth rule

Operation Making Tobias Anderson fall in love with Amelia Tarell

1- Don't fall in love with him.

2- Don't fall in love with him.

3- Don't fall in love with him.

4- Don't fall in love with him.

5- Don't fall in love with him.

'Why is the same rule being constantly on repeat? ' I ask

'It's the important rule in this game .Don't worry, it won't affect you that much.'

'OH, okay then.' I continue with the sixth one and that is where I see other rules

6- Toby shouldn't know have who took part in this deal and if there was such a deal anyway.

7- You have a period of two months.

8- Constant updates to be reported to Maya.

9- After the signature there is no going back.

10- Failure to accomplish this task, your hidden past will be out.



I scrunched my face on the tenth rule but she told me that,' I had written that earlier but don't mind it. I'll have it removed. Just sign and let's get this done with.' I put my signature, hand the papers back and left. But it wasn't until me for suffocated by Maya since I was helping her get done with it.

I suddenly felt lighter knowing I was helping some females and we were going to take a blackmailer, good for nothing, player down. Tobias Anderson, I am coming for you. I am going to make my move on Tuesday the following day since we have P.E together and he was the captain. I am going to do something silly, get his attention and start bonding. By the weekend, he will be obsessed with me and by next week he will admit that he likes me. I'll have it voice recorded and sent to Maya .And voila, my life come back on track and my past is safe. Smooth Amelia. Real smooth.

I leave the school parking lot in my car. Everyone had left. I had texted Maddie had Vanessa earlier to go home and that I had stuff to take care of. I quickly text them to meet me at Home urgently before I finessed my way on reverse out of the parking spot and generally out of my school.

Tuesday was here. The day where my plan was to be put in action.

'Go girl, we believe in you.' Vanessa tells me. After calling them yesterday and explaining to them what I had put myself in, they were all for comforting and even saying we were in this together.

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